Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Micro Q-Tron into 2880 = clipping

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    I’m a bass player fairly new to pedals. I recently added a Micro Q-Tron and 2880 to my formerly lone Fulltone Bassdrive.

    When I run the Q-Tron into the 2880, the 2880 clips even with the input all the way off. For now I am leaving the Fulltone out of the equation since it sounds fine in combination with either of the two EHX pedals.

    I want to be able to loop my filtered awesomeness of the Q-Tron. I tried the internal trim pot but was unable to get great results.

    What if I run the Fulltone and the Q-Tron directly into my amp and then put the 2880 on the effects loop of my amp? Or should I do the opposite?

    Thanks for the help.



    I’m running into the same issue. I have my my 2880 hooked up to a mixer so I need to make sure everything going into the 2880 is set up with the correct volume or the clipping happens to easily. If I turn on a wah, it usually will clip the 2880 on the higher frequencies. I’m thinking about getting a compressor which should let me set a limit to the max volume going into the 2880 and should prevent clipping.



    Compressors are such misunderstood effects that can be used for much more than squashing the dynamics out of a signal. And this is a prime example of where a well- balanced limiter would be appropriate.

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