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    I’ve been using the Boss OC-3 to make bass sounds with my guitar because the OC-3 polyphonic mode lets you choose the highest note that will get sub-octaved. I assume it does this with a hard low-pass filter or a crossover or something. At any rate, no other pedal on the market does this, but I already know three other bands using the OC-3 to pull this off.

    BUT! The tracking on the Boss still sucks. If EHX were to put this idea into a POG, it would go viral! They should do this in a Micro POG2, where you can set a crossover point so that only your bottom two strings go to the -1 octave and only higher notes go to the +1 octave. If playing with just one output, it could help make a cleaner brighter 12-string, and it could make fat low chords that don’t muck up the high notes. And if used with multiple outputs, you could do some terrific fx routing, and also pump an excellently tracked bass octave through the PA.

    Do this EXH. Do it before Christmas. Please!


    I’ve just started using a small Rolls crossover with my micro POG to do this. Works really well. I’d buy a new POG in a second if it had a built in crossover with adjustable frequency. Q for the transition would be swell too.

    I’ve just started using a small Rolls crossover with my micro POG to do this. Works really well. I’d buy a new POG in a second if it had a built in crossover with adjustable frequency. Q for the transition would be swell too.

    Excellent choice! A couple months after I wrote my post, I quit using the Boss OC-3, and got a micro POG and got the same Rolls crossover!! I got a cheapo DOD bass equalizer to cut way down on 55 hz, cuz the Rolls had such a gradual rolloff slope, leaving the first 5 notes on the guitar way louder than the rest on the E and A strings (at least in my situation). I also got a cheapo compressor too. I’m looking forward to the day when i can put more money into better EQs/compressor to make this rig much better.

    Anyway, you can hear how it turned out in the studio on this record: http://steel-phantoms.bandcamp.com/ (“Curtain Call” and “Friend to Friend” were the OC-3. All the other songs are this Rolls crossover/Micro POG setup–but with the studio’s Keeley compressor instead of my crappy one). And you can hear it in a live studio set up here: http://blip.tv/seriousbusinessonbtr/steel-phantoms-serious-business-on-btr-ep130-6628628 and here: http://www.breakthruradio.com/#/programdetail/?blog=94&post=1557

    I’m not sure how well that radio interview thing shows it off, but I tell ya, i’ve played over 20 shows with this setup, and people constantly come up asking if i was using a loop to play the bass guitar parts. Or they’re just dumbfounded. If you get some recordings up online with your rig sometime, post back here, i’d love to hear it. Go POG go!


    Heya, I realise this is an old thread, but I’ve recently been trying a similar thing.. Do you guys use anything to convert instrument level to line level and/or back? I’m finding straight into the rolls then into the micropog gives quite a lot of noise when the micropog is on..? Any suggestions?

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