Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Micro POG true bypass mod

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  • #89862
    I had always heard that most of the XO series were now all TB. Is that not true? I just recently found out my Stereo Mistress isn’t true bypass. I thought the Stereo Polychorus was definitely TB…Hmm. I need to go check some things out!

    The reason the stereo effects aren’t TB is because they only use a 3PDT switch and to be true stereo you cant do it with a 3PDT, you need a 4PDT. Of course if you omit the LED you can have stereo with a 3PDT.
    The non TB on my stereo pulsar, stereo polychorus and SMMH is fine though, it doesn’t suck at all.

    that makes a lot of sense…..except in the SMM/H manual is says it IS true bypass?


    well I think in mono it is

    Ned Flanders

    Nah, simon, its not.

    to julian:No its still non TB, its the way its wired.


    Not intending to rain on the parade here, but modding a Micro POG’s bypass poses a few challenges:

    A) The switch is typically mounted either directly onto the main board or its on miniature board, wired to the main board. Pray you have the second type. I haven’t seen the board layout of a Micro POG yet, so I’m not sure which it uses.

    B) Even more of an issue than the switch, regardless of how it’s connected to the board, are the jacks. They’re typically mounted onto the main board in XO pedals.

    C) You’d need to be pretty precise with your soldering iron, since you’ll be working around SMDs.

    D) The easiest way to do this would be to disconnect the Dry Output entirely from the circuit, but that doesn’t eliminate your primary problems in performing the mod.

    This is one of those pedals where the mod may be a major hassle. I haven’t seen the underside, but I’ve seen the undersides of enough XO pedals to be wary of even replacing the LED. Of course, the LED replacement/”upgrade” is actually fairly easy in comparison.

    Ned Flanders

    The switch has its own daughter board and the way the jacks are mounted isn’t a problem, you just do it as per usual. If there’s a buffer on the Micro POG you’l have to bypass it which can be complicated and I myself don’t even know how to do it, I just know what NEEDS doing if that’s the situation.

    Your best bet would be to trace the effect so you have a schematic to refer to then make the necessary changes.

    Considering your the first in a long line of users to complain about the bypass it makes me question whether its a bypass issue or a setup issue.


    Thanks Ned. The issue I described is valid if the MP is the only pedal in the chain (guitar-mp-amp). I tested it that way and noticed the same issues. It’s a cool pedal but not worth the trouble to me; I sent it back. Thanks for everyone’s input.

    Ned Flanders

    Get the full sized POG, I’m sure that is TB.

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