Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Micro POG true bypass mod

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    I have heard of a true bypass mod for the Micro POG but have not been able to find instructions or pictures. Does EH have any information on this and I’m also curious if there was a good reason this pedal was not produced to be TB or that such a modification should not be made? It is a great pedal but I do find that (bypassed) it still alters my tone quite a bit.

    Ned Flanders

    I don’t know if the POG uses a buffer or just plain non TB but I’ve found EH non TB pedals to be fine, the stereo memory man with hazarai, the stereo pulsar and the stereo polychorus are all non TB and their bypass is fine, you can hardly tell the difference with them 3 in the chain or just your guitar straight into the amp. Vintage EH pedals like the small stone and big muffs that aren’t TB really suck though.


    Ned, Thanks for the response. Advice, instructions & pictures of the mod would be most helpful.


    I had always heard that most of the XO series were now all TB. Is that not true? I just recently found out my Stereo Mistress isn’t true bypass. I thought the Stereo Polychorus was definitely TB…Hmm. I need to go check some things out!


    Neither the fx out or dry out are true bypass or even Clinton bypass. Unplug the power and both are dead.


    Do you feel that it sucks tone when in your chain?

    Or are you just worried that it might be without you noticing it?

    I used to be worried about not having a 100% True Bypass board. I’ve since realized my clean tone is fine. And I no longer feel the need to true-bypass everything.

    In fact, some pedals when true-bypassed can make matters worse, because of impedance issues.

    Also their is nothing wrong with a good buffered bypass. Having a 100% true bypass board will make you suffer from tone loss more than one with a buffer or two in it because of impedance issues.


    I appreciate your point however, as I originally stated, it alters my tone quite a bit. The Micro POG would definitely not be my first choice for a buffer pedal.


    I apologize, I forgot you said that.

    Have you tried putting it in other places in your chain?

    Maybe it doesn’t like what’s in front of it or vice versa.

    Some dirts prefer to be out front interacting directly with your guitars pickups, and might not react quite the same behind a buffered bypass.

    While at the same time, maybe the Micro POG doesn’t work well in the chain after a buffer (if it is after a buffer.)


    Julian, no need for an apology friend. I really did appreciate your point and response. What I really need thought is a wiring diagram and a picture or maybe a schematic of the pedal if EH could provide that. I am either going to mod it or off it.


    Like someone else said most of the xo’s are TB….I always presumed there was a good reason why the micopog wasn’t, so before doing any mods I’d make sure it wasn’t going to have an negative effect on the way it works.


    Electro-Melx, I agree with you and my original post shows that your point was exactly my purpose for posting here. Any answers?


    not really mate, I presumed it was something to do with the dry signal blend when the pedal is on….maybe the dry signal runs through that all the time so there isn’t a change in sound when you have the pedal off or on…..or something like that?? I don’t know really..

    John J

    I’m not certain how the dry output affects this procedure – if I recall, the signal that passes through the Dry knob is sent to the output, making it operate like a stereo pedal. I’m fairly certain the reason the Hazarai, Polychorus and Stereo Electric Mistress are non-TB is that true bypass is impossible with the 3PDT switch. Analogman offers a true bypass mod, but it drastically alters the usefulness of the Dry output and sounds pretty intrusive/indepth. I couldn’t find any procedural information on it, but it’s a $40 mod…

    I’m assuming boardspace is your reason for shying away from a truebypass loop? I find this method preferable to modding, unless I have a ‘real’ board put together where space is an issue. The only reason I even MENTION this is that I was completely unable to find any true bypass schematics for the microPOG (but not for lack of effort). You could easily make a tiny looper, and you could custom fit it to your existing board. Barring that, Keeley makes a really small TB loop that could slide in just about anywhere on a board. I know it’s not what you asked for, but it is an option.

    Also, I have to point out that, while I had it, I never noticed ANY tone issues with my microPOG. This makes me think that you may just have a bum unit. Are you running it off of the adaptor it came with or are you using a powerall of some sort? Before you go doing any modifications, make sure that it has its own supply. I’m not sure WHY, but alot of digital pedals respond really poorly to shared power supplies, especially daisy chains.

    Sorry it wasn’t what you’re looking for, but I hope it helps anyways.


    John J, Thanks; that info is very helpful. Have you heard the analogman mod and can you elaborate on how it changes the tone/operation? I would not use the dry out and could basically do away with it. The looper is a good idea and I do use two however do not want the MP in either loop unless it is TB and do not want to use a dedicated looper just for the MP. Tone is subjective; what I find objectionable, others may not and vice versa. This is why I have tried to stay away from such a discussion. Thanks again for your comments.

    Ned Flanders
    I had always heard that most of the XO series were now all TB. Is that not true? I just recently found out my Stereo Mistress isn’t true bypass. I thought the Stereo Polychorus was definitely TB…Hmm. I need to go check some things out!

    The reason the stereo effects aren’t TB is because they only use a 3PDT switch and to be true stereo you cant do it with a 3PDT, you need a 4PDT. Of course if you omit the LED you can have stereo with a 3PDT.
    The non TB on my stereo pulsar, stereo polychorus and SMMH is fine though, it doesn’t suck at all.

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