Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Micro Pog troubleshooting…..

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    So I got a “non-functioning” Micro Pog from MF for a big ole discount. I’ve been tinkering with it tonight. I can’t figure out what’s wrong with it.

    When I first plugged it in, I got nothing. No light, no signal, nothing. I replaced the switch, and got a signal, but no effect. The LED wouldn’t light either. I tested it, and the LED was burnt out. So I put in a new LED. Now, when I plug it in, the light comes on, but just briefly.

    Now, I get a signal goes through when both on & off. When the pedal is turned on, I still get a dry signal, but the level pot works. I’m just not getting any effect. I tested the Sub Octave & Octave pots with a multimeter, and they are both getting power and functioning properly, at least according to the multimeter.

    I’m worried the previous owner plugged the wrong power supply into and fried it. Apart from sending it in to EXH, any ideas?

    Thanks in advance.

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