Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Micro POG/ Rickenbacker 4003 bass

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    I am a bassist and use several EHX effects including the new Memory Boy, Holy Grail Nano, Bassballs,
    Small Clone and the Micro Pog. I also use several different basses, Fender, Gibson and Hofner-which work fine with the Micro Pog. The Rick is a 2008 4003. It has the “high gain” pick ups and the 4001 pull up tone circuit-really cool btw. I want to be able to use the Rickenbacker with the Micro Pog!

    The problem is that when I use it (Ric) with the Micro Pog, it makes additional noise from the amp which is annoying. I do not want to add another effect such as a noise suppressor-I already have too many as a bassist(guitarist’s opinion?) I don’t want to change the original bass pick ups either!!

    Is there another alternative or modification inside the Micro Pog that can accomodate the Ric? It is the second to last in the chain after an MXR Fuzz, SC, BB, HG (Micro Pog) Memory Boy. I have seen and heard some demos on you tube where some say it likes a clean signal as input. I however like the fuzz, chorus and reverb before it as it creates this amazing church organ grind like in a Cathedral.

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