Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Micro POG for Bass ?

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    I just fidddled around like an hour comparing the Octave Multiplexer and a Micro POG on a P-bass (I use a Stingray, but I couldn’t take it to the shop that day). I also threw in the Bass Muff I was buying at that very moment.
    The sound of the Multiplexer is YUMMIELICIOUS!! Its analog, dirty, sub-bass octave sound is really great! Both with the Sub Switch on and off it tracks really well and sounds awesome. Only problem I found is that it can’t go below a normal B note. It does well as far as a C, but anything below that it starts glitching and going mad. I’d of bought it had I not have like three dirt boxes to take care of already getting that “dirty sub-bass sound”
    The Micro POG, on the other hand, is as clean as a whistle! Tracks on the spot all the way down to a dropped-D tuning (In this case it was the amp that couldn’t handle the note). On all of the YouTube vids I had found the upper octave sounded thin and fake, and it does! However, if you mix just a little bit of it (I never got it past 1 o’clock) you can make sure you’ll NEVER get lost in the mix. The sub-octave doesn’t sound quite like your original tone, but if you keep your dry signal at input level it’s hardly noticeable (And I bet in a band situation nobody will notice it).
    Bothsound rather good with the Muff in front of them, but the Multiplexer gets quite muddy (after all, it sounds dirty by itself) whilst the M-POG just fattens up your sound. As I knew on my last post I’ll save up for the Micro POG.

    Hope my extensive post helps in any way =P

    PS: Check out my band, I use a lot of EHX effects in our songs (Mostly live, but still ;D)


    efe_ghallagher, thanx for your post. It isn’t long, it’s accurate!!!
    Por cierto: la verdad es que soy eXpañ±ol, y nos hubiésemos entendido mejor en castellano o mexicano.
    Tu banda suena cojonuda. Rock añ±ejo, contundentey bien hecho!!!
    Pñ¡sate algñºn dñ­a por bajistas.org que es una web españ±ola (abierta a todos los latinos, por supuesto!) dedicada al mundo del bajo.

    Un saludo y gracias!!!

    efe_ghallagher, thanx for your post. It isn’t long, it’s accurate!!!
    Por cierto: la verdad es que soy eXpañ±ol, y nos hubiésemos entendido mejor en castellano o mexicano.
    Tu banda suena cojonuda. Rock añ±ejo, contundentey bien hecho!!!
    Pñ¡sate algñºn dñ­a por bajistas.org que es una web españ±ola (abierta a todos los latinos, por supuesto!) dedicada al mundo del bajo.

    Un saludo y gracias!!!

    Me lo imaginé, pero como el forum es en inglés y asñ­ como yo di con él por Google, no dudo que haya muchas personas que no hablen españ±ol y lleguen por acñ¡ a intentar acabar con su duda. Simplemente aportando mi granito de arena ;D
    Gracias por el comment sobre mi banda =D


    hay un octavador polifñ³nico y anñ¡logo, habia leñ­do por acñ¡ que era caro, viejo y sonaba mal

    hay un octavador polifñ³nico y anñ¡logo, habia leñ­do por acñ¡ que era caro, viejo y sonaba mal

    Dñ³nde? Cuñ¡l? Cuñ¡nto? WTH?

    hay un octavador polifñ³nico y anñ¡logo, habia leñ­do por acñ¡ que era caro, viejo y sonaba mal

    Si sonaba mal, para qué molestarse?
    Al final me cojñ­ un micro POG, y te aseguro que este EHX no suena mal. Todo lo contrario: Suena COJONUDO.
    Tracking perfecto y respeta al 100% el tono del bajo (O de la guitarra).
    Un saludo.

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