Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Micro POG Expression Pedal Jack?

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    Hi guys, I was wondering if it was possible to put an expression pedal jack into a Micro POG? I’d be willing to grab a bigger enclosure if it was going to be too tight of a squeeze into the standard box.

    Hi guys, I was wondering if it was possible to put an expression pedal jack into a Micro POG? I’d be willing to grab a bigger enclosure if it was going to be too tight of a squeeze into the standard box.

    what do you want the expression pedal jack to control?


    Ideally, I’d like to be able to control both the Octave Up & Down with it (By use of a 3PDT Toggle switch) but if that’s going to screw something up too badly I’ll just have it controlling the Octave Up.


    Anyone know if I can?

    Barra Rock

    Hi, I know this doesn’t concern your topic, but
    does your micro pog make a loud hiss when you turn it on?
    When I turn mine on, I hear the effect signal combined
    with a loud high frequency hiss, or white noise.
    It’s not louder than the effect but it’s certainly noticable.

    The EHX repair people tell me that this is normal. I just can’t believe it.



    Yeah mine’s fairly noisy, but I don’t really notice it when I’m playing.

    Barra Rock

    Thanks. I bought the micro pog because i thought it would be terrific for turning my guitar into a bass with an acoustic group i’m playing with. Our sound is pretty clean; no drums or loud rock guitars.
    So I hooked the pedal up but the others complained about the noise, which i must say is quite distracting when there isn’t distortion covering it up.

    I sent it for repair and they sent it back sounding exactly the same, initially telling me that it wasn’t “hissy” at all, which i considered crazy because i’ve owned lots of pedals and even the nastiest high gain stompbox i’ve played doesn’t hiss like that.

    by the way, i really like your expression pedal idea,
    it would let you blast in with octaves at perfect points…Have you tried DIYstompboxes forum?
    Those guys are really creative…might gang up and help you make it happen.

    i bet you EHX will add it the next gen pog


    I hope they do! You could always try a Noise Suppresor after it? I play pretty dirty stuff so it never bothers me.

    Would an expression pedal work if I just put a 6 Lug Jack inbetween the pot and the C’Board?

    Thanks. I bought the micro pog because i thought it would be terrific for turning my guitar into a bass with an acoustic group i’m playing with. Our sound is pretty clean; no drums or loud rock guitars.
    So I hooked the pedal up but the others complained about the noise, which i must say is quite distracting when there isn’t distortion covering it up.

    I sent it for repair and they sent it back sounding exactly the same, initially telling me that it wasn’t “hissy” at all, which i considered crazy because i’ve owned lots of pedals and even the nastiest high gain stompbox i’ve played doesn’t hiss like that.

    by the way, i really like your expression pedal idea,
    it would let you blast in with octaves at perfect points…Have you tried DIYstompboxes forum?
    Those guys are really creative…might gang up and help you make it happen.

    i bet you EHX will add it the next gen pog

    I’ve just had a thought when you mentioned ‘acoustic group’ are you running it into a PA system or Acoustic amp? If I’m right in what I’m saying they usually have a horn or similar speaker for the top end and they probably cover a much wider frequency range than a regular guitar amp, that maybe why you are hearing a lot of hiss that most people don’t hear… just a thought. :)

    Barra Rock

    Well i have actually tested the micro pog in several scenarios. I play it normally through a laney
    acoustic amplifier, but i have also tried fenders, music man, and other brand names. I have also tried electric guitars with the unit, and the hiss is consistent among all of them.


    My micro POG sounded great when I first got it, but after a year or so it started with the white noise faintly, growing worse and worse until the signal was barely audible over the hiss. I realized my warranty was past, and my electronics guy said he couldn’t do much with it since it was all digital, so I took a chance and cracked the casing open myself. What I found on the underside of the circuit board was flux, and lots of it. Turning brown. That is, oxidizing. I cleaned it up as best I could with solvent and a cotton swab, and it sounded much better–for a while. Now it’s getting noisy again. EHX, have you got anything to say about this? I’m no electronics wizard, but it would be a pretty big coincidence if the pedal just so happened to fix itself accidentally while I cleaned the flux off. Aren’t circuit boards supposed to be given a solvent bath or something to remove that stuff so that it doesn’t oxidize and make bad sounds? This seems like a fairly common issue with these. Hopefully this sheds some light for somebody…

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