Home Forums Help/Technical Questions micro pog and mistress and stage 5

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    its a real bummer my skb stage 5 pedal board won’t power my two new EXH pedals. (cause they are 200ma) the stage 5 does all kinds of voltages, and lots of boss 100ma outlets, but nothing 200ma. Anybody else in this situation or know of a solution?



    All that stuff on there and you’d think it would have a courtesy jack.

    Weird that it doesn’t have any high current outlets either.

    Just because they have 200 ma power supplies doesn’t necessarily mean they require them though. Someone here may be able to enlighten us as to what the draw is on those pedals.

    All that stuff on there and you’d think it would have a courtesy jack.

    Weird that it doesn’t have any high current outlets either.

    Just because they have 200 ma power supplies doesn’t necessarily mean they require them though. Someone here may be able to enlighten us as to what the draw is on those pedals.

    agreed, you could always try them….providing the voltage and polarity is the same it shouldn’t cause any damage to the pedals.


    yeah, I did indeed try the boss outlets. the pedal actually works for about 30 seconds or a minute, then it starts cutting out and popping. ..no problems of course when using the EHX power supply it came with.


    I think the best way to handle the problem is creativity then

    which is really up to you
    finding the most convenient way to add two power supplies onto the board


    yeah, I guess that’s what it comes down to. Right now I just run a second extension cord to the board. …certainly not ideal, but it works and thus, the rock is on! If anyone ever comes up with any better ideas, post ’em!

    all the best..

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