Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Metal muff w/top boost at 18v?

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    I have a dc power brick, and it has 18v taps. I was curious if running the Metal muff at 18v would cause any damage to the pedal, and if not..what difference in tone could i expect at 18v?

    The EH Man

    As we’ve said before in other threads, use only the voltage listed by EH as being the correct one for your pedal. Too much voltage will damage your pedal and void any warranties.


    Ok, thank you..i was just curious. I asked a similar question the other day, to the tech staff at MXR about one of thier pedals i own..and according to them..even though the pedal is rated at 9V, they said running at 18V should be ok and i’d hear more headroom and clarity. So, ya never know till ya ask. heh heh

    I’d like to think they gave me good information, and aren’t trying to have me ruin that pedal intentionally,so i have to buy a new one.

    Ok, thank you..i was just curious. I asked a similar question the other day, to the tech staff at MXR about one of thier pedals i own..and according to them..even though the pedal is rated at 9V, they said running at 18V should be ok and i’d hear more headroom and clarity. So, ya never know till ya ask. heh heh

    I’d like to think they gave me good information, and aren’t trying to have me ruin that pedal intentionally,so i have to buy a new one.

    “should be ok”? I don’t know if I would be happy with that reply to be honest, some pedals are designed to work at different voltages, most are not. If that MXR pedal has ‘more headroom and clarity’ at 18v then you have to ask yourself why it isn’t sold with an 18v power supply or dual battery clips?


    Yeah, that word should does raise some warning flags, I agree. I found the reply interesting though. I sent an e-mail to Electro-harmonix, asking the same question i asked here..will be interesting to see what they say.

    Ned Flanders

    If its got 16v caps in it its will die.


    I know i shouldn’t assume, but as far as the MXR pedal goes, i am assuming the dunlop tech at least looked that far (cap ratings etc) before responding. I haven’t tried running the pedal out of spec yet, and i did hit them up with follow up questions about voiding the warranty if i decide to try it. I may be curious, but not foolish.. heh heh


    For anyone who is interested. Chip “Scooter” Dugan at sovtek replied to me and said..you cannot feed more voltage to the Metal muff, doing so might blow the units board up.

    As for the mxr pedal which is the distortion III..The tech at dunlop answered my follow up question, saying that running the distortion III at 18V would not void the warranty. He went on to say, one of the techs at dunlop has been powering his pedal that way for a while, and hasn’t run into any problems.

    I have to say, i find that pretty intriguing.

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