Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Metal Muff Sound Issues?

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    Hi there, I’m completely new to using pedals and I was wondering if I have an issue with the pedal I just bought, or if I’m just doing something wrong, so I know whether or not to send for a replacement.

    My setup is Guitar > Metal Muff > Blackstar HT Studio 20

    Essentially what my issue is, is that when using the distortion pedal on the clean channels, the sound seems a bit weird. It sounds almost as if the volume is very subtly changing. The difference is quite small but still kinda annoying.

    When I use it with my amps overdrive channel, the sound is awful. It’s like the ‘distortion’ part of the sound is cutting out. I can’t really describe it other than it doesn’t sound right.

    I realise this description isn’t the easiest to work with but I’m curious if my lack of knowledge is the issue here or the pedal.



    In the clean channel with the settings low or clean it should be great…
    Please try a different amp to make sure its not your amp.

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