Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Metal Muff no longer working with Power Supply

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  • #81170
    iron muff

    Hi there,

    My Metal Muff, no longer seems to be working with a power supply. It works fine with a battery. Left it on a shelf one day for a while, came back to try and use it and it wouldn’t turn on.

    I had a peek at the insides when I switched the battery and couldn’t see anything out of place or loose. But then again I have no idea what i’m supposed to be looking for.

    I use a visual sound 1 spot 9v power supply – it works fine with every other one of my pedals.

    I’d much rather use a power supply than rely on/buy batteries

    Anyone have an suggestion on how I can fix this problem?


    iron muff

    The EH Man

    Perhaps the center pin of the power jack has a broken solder joint. The other option (probably more likely) is that the polarity protection diode has opened. It may be a surface-mount component but you could replace it with a standard one if you were careful. If you have a multimeter you could check it in both directions. If it’s the same reading both ways it’s bad.


    Just to let the originator of this thread know, this just happened to my Metal Muff as well… as well as my Nano Stone… to the person ‘with the answers’, is there something that I might have done wrong, I’m pretty careful with my gear…

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