Home Forums Help/Technical Questions METAL MUFF is not working properly

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  • #78657

    Hi, my name is Daniel Daza, I´m a colombian test sound from Hard Rock Cafe Bogota, I have a Metal Muff Pedal with TOP BOOST, its sound is great. The cuestion is… the last friday a played my pedal allright and today, I went to play but the pedal isn´t working properly, its sound was very very weak with distorsion and had a lot of noise, I don´t know perhaps as a problem of voltage, although the led indicator is good both switch and bypass the signal is very weak.

    I explained that the adapter meets the manufacturer’s specifications

    I need your help…..one last thing….sorry for my english and tell me where is custumer service for Colombia.

    Thank you and I am attentive to your response

    Daniel Daza

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