Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Metal Muff: Brace o’ Problems

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    I’ve had my metal muff for quite some time…probably about 5 years.

    For most of that time, the power-supply jack hasn’t worked. Not only will it not power the pedal, it will make the pedal turn OFF when I’m using a battery (I’m using a “One-Spot” 9v supply).

    So that’s pretty weird and obnoxious, but it’s worked with a battery so whatever.

    But now…the distortion is sounding really thin and weak–not the intense, aggressive sound that it should have, and the top boost isn’t working at all…in fact it reduces the overall volume.

    Does anyone have any idea what these problems might be? and/or a recommendation about a pedal repair service (the one’s I’ve seen online are about $50…the pedal itself was about $70, so that seems ridiculous).

    Thanks in advance for any help! Much appreciated!


    Sounds like you need a new one, i just bought new one on ebay yesterday for $66.00.

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