Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Memory Toy with messed up trims

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    I have a friend who messed with too many trim pots inside his memory toy this afternoon. Now it doesn’t work. Is there a schematic that documents what each pot does and how to correctly adjust them?

    The EH Man

    EHX doesn’t give out schematics/info on current products. Your friend may have to send his unit to EHX for calibration. I imagine there would be a charge for that.

    Ned Flanders

    I see so many people that are “OCD” about messing with trimpots, its unreal! They think, with no knowledge whatsoever, that they can make it sound better than the factory,with immense knowledge….

    The EH Man
    I see so many people that are “OCD” about messing with trimpots, its unreal! They think, with no knowledge whatsoever, that they can make it sound better than the factory,with immense knowledge….

    Despite the fact that I’m constantly telling people here DO NOT TOUCH THE TRIMPOTS!

    Ned Flanders

    And along with that, I included a segment on it in my troubleshooting article in the help section of this site!

    No one listens anymore!


    With all due respect, I understand the rant but this was a friend of mine who found out some time ago that he could make the modulation depth more usable for his needs by adjusting the modulation trim. After that adjustment he noticed that the MT added gain to his signal when turned on. He went in unknowing that changing other trimpots would render the pedal unusable and attempted to find a gain control.

    Any practical help would be greatly appreciated. If we honestly have to send it in to get an adjustment made, so be it. I cannot fathom the adjustment of half-a-dozen trim pots is so secret or complicated that it can’t be accomplished by a competent musician–otherwise there would probably be fixed resistors in there with black goo smeared all over the circuit board like all the other pedal makers who really want to protect their circuits.

    The EH Man

    Adjustment of the trims to get the standard settings requires the use of a signal generator and oscilloscope.
    Contact info@ehx.com to see about sending it in and tell your friend not to do that again unless he absolutely knows what he’s doing. And maybe not even then.


    thank you. that sounds like a plan. so just for future reference, we can adjust the mod depth trim bun none of the others, right?

    The EH Man
    thank you. that sounds like a plan. so just for future reference, we can adjust the mod depth trim bun none of the others, right?

    I wouldn’t touch anything inside unless the instructions tell you you can.

    thank you. that sounds like a plan. so just for future reference, we can adjust the mod depth trim bun none of the others, right?

    Yes the MOD DEPTH trim is the only trim pot you should consider touching inside the Memory Toy and even then if you have the correct size screwdriver.

    The other trim pots inside the Memory Toy are not there to hide anything but because the BBD chips vary so much from chip to chip that they require trim pots to put them at just the right bias.


    Off topic, but if any of you guys could comment on this thread it would be appreciated!

    Off topic, but if any of you guys could comment on this thread it would be appreciated!

    I wrote the following on the Dr. Q thread:

    This is the first we are hearing about a volume problem on the Dr. Q. We have to look into it.


    Well. I got the Memory toy too. I’m french. So… Do you really think that these trimpots are here because of the differences that may exist between BBDs? If that’s correct (I think it is), then do you really think that someone check every pedal made with a scope and a screwdriver to set all the trims to the correct value??? I think it unbelievable.
    What I think is that the trimpots are pre-seted and soldered in the pedal. Then, if any customer have bad experince with its pedal, then he send it back to manufacturer, and then, a tech may set the trimpots.

    So, What I think is the trimpots are factory setted to an average value, and they may be re-setted for ideal operation. So the pedal you buy may be very good or very bad, or anything in between, and most of the pedal are just average.

    That’s only my opinion, and I’ll probably NOT TOUCH THE TRIMS because I really don’t know wich affects what… I find on the web that trim 1 could affect the feedback level, as when turned clockwise a bit, the deay may self oscilate. But again, I think the average setting is correct for me, even if the delay knob is not very effective and the feedback knob offer no more than 5 decreasing repeats.

    Well. I got the Memory toy too. I’m french. So… Do you really think that these trimpots are here because of the differences that may exist between BBDs? If that’s correct (I think it is), then do you really think that someone check every pedal made with a scope and a screwdriver to set all the trims to the correct value??? I think it unbelievable.
    What I think is that the trimpots are pre-seted and soldered in the pedal. Then, if any customer have bad experince with its pedal, then he send it back to manufacturer, and then, a tech may set the trimpots.

    So, What I think is the trimpots are factory setted to an average value, and they may be re-setted for ideal operation. So the pedal you buy may be very good or very bad, or anything in between, and most of the pedal are just average.

    That’s only my opinion, and I’ll probably NOT TOUCH THE TRIMS because I really don’t know wich affects what… I find on the web that trim 1 could affect the feedback level, as when turned clockwise a bit, the deay may self oscilate. But again, I think the average setting is correct for me, even if the delay knob is not very effective and the feedback knob offer no more than 5 decreasing repeats.

    Believe it or not we calibrate every single Memory Toy, Boy, DXMB and DMM that we sell. In fact pretty much any pedal with a trim pot is calibrated before it is shipped out.


    So, my appologies, and thanks for the answer.

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