Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Memory Toy Feedback Issues

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    Hey all,

    I purchased a Memory Toy from an “authorized” EHX dealer on ebay. My problem is that my pedal does not feedback near as much as others I’ve seen demo’d and tried in various stores. If I crank the feedback all of the way up the oscillations die off after 5 or 6 waves. Others I’ve tried begin to self-feedback when put up to about 75%.

    I contacted the dealer, he said I should try it with an adapter. I tried it with an adapter and it actually stops working all-together. The light goes on but nothing at all happens. I’m fairly certain I have the right adapter. It’s a generic 9v, 100mA, works fine with Boss pedals, an MI Crunchbox and a Dunlop Crybaby wah.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.



    Weird. check this out: https://www.ehx.com/forums/viewthread/2957/ then try with different psu and with a fresh battery

    The EH Man

    I don’t think 100mA is enough. You should try one w/ at least 200mA.

    I’d imagine the Feedback trim needs to be adjusted.


    I read somewhere that the toy draws 45mA, but yes, trying with more is better. Oh and also, there are like 2 pcb’s fitted with a big socket, and if they arent put togheter properly, it can sound a bit dull.


    Let me preface this with I love EHX. I have thier pedals all over my boards and always will but…

    The Memory Toy is all over the place. The QA on this one device is the most rediculous nonsense I have ever seen. Some people’s oscillate, some don’t. Some oscillate at 50%, some at other increments. Some don’t even work. Some the mod effect is crazy some not. They are really hit and miss. People will say “there are trims that can fix it” and you know what yeah there are and I have used them. The problem is it doesn’t fix the issue these things are rolling down the production line with no real sense of consistency and it is still going on!

    I love my Memory Toy but it does not oscillate, at all. It sounds beautiful though and I have another pedal that oscillates so no biggy for me. Here is the issue with adjusting the trim though, I can get mine to self oscillate but by the time the trim is up barely enough to actually send it into never ending oscillation then all of my repeats are distorted and pretty much useless. It’s a pedal that will piss you off to no end, you just have to expect this A) it’s cheap B) it has no quality control and you don’t know what you will get but this is likely due to point A C) can it be beat for what it does in the price range? Taking those three things into account you just have to understand you get what you pay for and to me after adjusting a little it’s an amazing little delay with a small footprint for little $. /Rant over

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