Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics Memory Toy Clip

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  • #80850

    Here is a new tune we recorded the other day featuring the Memory Toy. I love this pedal especially for the price! Have a listen…


    Ignore the mic bleed. :) And if you are in the Memphis area and would like to join up with us then PM me.


    I’ve been wanting a memory toy since it came out pretty much.

    btw, nice song, the drumming fits strangely good


    The MT is so lush sounding to me! I have an Akai Headrush, WH Aqua Puss and have had a few other delays and I think the MT can hang with any of them. For the price and size of the pedal it really is unbeatable.

    Thanks SanquiFlerb for the comments on the song and giving it a listen as well!

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