Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Memory Man makes Big Muff Louder?

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    Hey y’all this seems like a weird anomaly but my Memory Man (Hazarai version) makes my Big Muff (Tone Wicker version) louder when it’s clicked on!

    I have my pedals set up so the signal goes through the Muff, then the MM. When playing through the Muff, then engaging the MM, the volume of the Muff jumps up significantly (and gets brighter as well). They’re both powered by a Voodoo Labs Pedal Power II. This doesn’t happen with any other pedal, gain/distortion or otherwise, just the Big Muff. The blend on the MM is set at about 11:30, though I don’t know why that might matter… Again, none of the other pedals (Green Sovtek Muff, Timmy, Soul Food, Swollen Pickle to name a few) behave like this.

    Am I crazy? Any ideas are welcome!
    Thanks so much!
    Athens, GA


    Addendum :
    Actually I’m noticing that the MM being on also affects the tone of the green Sovtek Muff as well. I adds a bit of treble. I hadn’t noticed it before. The volume is unaffected though, unlike with the Tone Wicker Muff.


    Here’s a video showing this effect.


    The DMM w/H is not true bypass, so it is always affecting the signal chain even when the effect is disengaged. The fact that it is stereo makes it essentially impossible to modify for true bypass. Some people have reported a volume DROP, and some people have reported a volume INCREASE. Some people have reported a change in the tone as well. Some people have noticed that the volume and/or tonal change is affected by the position of the DMM w/H in the chain, so the issue most likely has to do with buffering. I can’t find any stats on the input/output impedances, so I can’t give any recommendations other than to move things around and see what works best for you. If you don’t like what it does when you put it in the chain where you really want the delay, then you might be able to fix the problem with a dedicated buffer or a buffered bypass pedal right in front of or right after the DMM w/H. If this is too much of a hassle, or it doesn’t fix the problem, this might not be a good pedal for you.


    Thanks for the suggestions, gvelasco.
    My chain is buffered at the very beginning of the pedals and I tried taking it out of the chain, with no difference. Maybe putting it right next to the MM will help?
    This isn’t the first issue I’ve had with this pedal. I love it, but it’s interacting with the Big Muffs in a way that is very perplexing!
    It’s almost as though when you click it on, it’s adding voltage to the Muffs????


    Some sort of buffered pedal between the Tone Wicker and the Hazarai will solve the problem. The Metal Muff between the Big Muff and Hazarai should do the trick because the Metal Muff is buffered both in bypass and in effect mode.


    Thanks for the response, Flick, I’ll try it!


    Hey Flick you were right. I tried a boost pedal with level at zero after the Muffs and before the MM; The difference in Muff sounds with MM clicked on and off is dramatically less. Thank you!

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