Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics Memory Man/Boy Send Loop

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  • #82021
    Jazz Noise

    What’s your favourite pedal to insert in the send-return loop of your DMB or SMMH? I’m fond of sticking a Dunlop Wah in and having a high feedback rate and sometimes a really light, low volume overdrive from, say, a Graphic Fuzz – but I’m wondering if there’s any MUST TRY (or at least interesting) arrangements anyone has to suggest?


    yes i am also interested in this, i own a SMMH and have yet to use the loop, and i also have the Stereo Talking Machine as well if anyone has any good ideas for its loop.


    with a delay, pitchshifters are really fun. each repeat just keeps climbing in pitch.


    The one I’ve been wanting to try is (send) -> pitchshifter -> 100% wet reverb -> (return). Set the pitchshifter for an octave up, and the DMB for no feedback, and…instant shimmer! The fun part now is that you can tweak the pitchshifting – what’s that sound like if it’s a fifth up? Or an octave down? What if you use just a little bit of feedback on the DMB? Much more interesting than just punching up someone else’s “shimmer” preset.


    i tried to put a DMM in the loop of my DMMWTT and didnt really get the effect I was after – do I need to have the DMM (in the loop) on wet signal only?,
    Im trying to get a multitap kind of buzz

    Tone Doctor

    I wasn’t aware that the SMMH had a loop. I do know it has a looper function. Unless you are referring to the other input and output. I do know that the SMMH has two processors. Does patching another effect through those jacks make the effect go through the second processor? Thanks for the info

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