Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Memory Boy Problems

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  • #79015

    hey everyone so i just bought a memory boy and it arrived in the mail today to it not working
    opened it up put a battery in led comes on waited till it warmed up and absolutely nothing signal runs through the pedal can hear my guitar while its on and only the blend control works like a volume all the other controls do nothing
    i dont know why??
    i didnt use the power supply since im overseas. ive bought many ehx pedals e,g micro pog small clone little big muff and they have worked fine with my daisy chain of other pedals and power supplys.
    no clue whats going on

    The EH Man

    Could be nothing more than the bias trimpot for the delay IC needs readjusting. Unfortunately I don’t have a Memory Boy or a schematic so I can’t tell you which one to adjust.



    well im gonna go buy a new battery today and try that then if still no delay
    back to america it goes :(


    If you have Boss Power Supply (or similar) the Memory Boy will work with
    that as well.

    I find the EHX Power Supply works better with the MB but for testing purposes
    this will work.


    I’ve had the exact same issue. I recently sent the pedal back and received another but it is no different. The pedal lights up and the signal goes through, but there is no delay at all. Can any one help!!!

    Glass Hero

    check the blend control..all the way up is the delay signal..all the way down is the dry signal..

    someone also may have adjusted the bias trimpots inside the pedal..don’t touch them.. let a service profession do that.. they set the delay chip bias voltage..if it is not set right the delay doesn’t work.. these are not user serviceable knobs and should not be tampered with..

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