Home Forums Help/Technical Questions memory boy mod question

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  • #79809

    I’m interested in the memory boy but i really like the deluxe memory boy’s expression pedal control of feedback.

    so, how possible is it to mod the memory boy to use the expression pedal on the feedback control?

    The EH Man

    You can replace any pot in any pedal with an expression pedal if you do it right.


    that sounds encouraging, almost challenging…..


    so i picked up a memory boy today. didn’t get much chance to study the circuit. looks pretty busy, but there are some nice testpoints that could come in useful.

    anybody know how many layers the main board is? schematics sure would be nice ;) hint, hint……

    Ned Flanders

    You wont find any schematics for current production EHX stuff on the www.
    A couple years ago a bunch of current production schematics was found on the web, since then you wont find it unless your a authorized EHX repairer or you trace it yourself of course. I trace them, but I don’t share them. I keep them purely for collection and repair purposes. I share old schems, of pedals no longer made only. Ron wont share them either, he’s not allowed to.

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