Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Memory Boy Deluxe has no effect.

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    HI, I got a Memory Boy deluxe a couple months back 2nd hand, and Ive been enjoying it very much, but a couple weeks ago it just stopped working. My signal goes through fine, all the lights go up but there is no delayed signal. I saw another post on the board almost exactly the same problem, exept I got mine locally here (montreal.) I have no warranty on this pedal since it is second hand so I know Im at a loss there. Ive tried many things:

    Used EXH adapter
    Used boss adapter
    Used Dunlop power brick
    Tried it in a chain
    Tried it by itself
    Isolated power sources
    Punched it
    Opened up the back to see f i could see anything broken or burnt (I dont have a warranty to void anyways)

    The only thing that seemed to work was if I plugged in an adapter half way, but even then there is serious volume loss and the paramater knobs do virtually nothing.

    Is there anything else I could try? Would it gouge my wallet to ship it to EHX (if I even can)? If I cant fix it I dont think Id have the heart to get another.

    The EH Man

    Contact them at info@ehx.com and see what they say.


    Funny development: I opened up the back again and made sure nothing was loose or burnt in case I had missed something, and after juggling some resistors and caps and whatnot, I re-tested it and it now works again! I dont know how long this will last, but I think it had something to do with a spring attatched to the chassis near the Adapter on the inside.

    BUt yeah if it busts out again, I’ll definatly call the man.

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