Home Forums Review Your EHX Gear Memory boy

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    I recently visited my local music store and demoed a variety of Analogue Delay pedals.The three models i tried out were he MXR Carbon Copy, Ibanez AD9 and the Electro Harmonix Memory boy.The Carbon Copy was ok but i wasn’t convinced that the delay was being generated from a Bucket Brigade IC the repeats didn’t really degrade even on the longest delay times and one felt that it was too clean.The AD9 was a similar affair i really didn’t like it again it was too clean and wouldn’t even self oscillate both of these products are considerably more expensive than the Memory Boy.
    So now for the Memory Boy….. and what a pedal it is, the Memory Boy behaves just like you would expect a Bucket Brigade Delay to behave.
    The Memory Boy exhibited warm repeats that got declined in sonic integrity on longer delay time which is a distinct trait inherent in Bucket Brigade IC’s.
    The Vibrato effect on the Memory Boy is staggering on it’s own and spine tingling when twinned with the delay and one can achieve many great sounds with careful use of the settings.
    The Memory Boy also demonstrates ( as with all EHX effects ) That the Guitar/Keyboard ect is central to the effect, this is what i love about EHX the effect seems to compliment the guitar rather than strangle the life out of it.
    So well done all of you at the EHX team you have yet again exceeded my expectations of a Guitar Effects pedal all of your products are simply the best.
    Here is a list of my EHX collection, I will also review these products also……

    Big Muff, Graphic Fuzz, Small Clone, Electric Mistress, Stereo Memory Man and the Memory Boy.

    So i would like to thank everyone at the EHX team for all their hard work and commitment in providing us creative individuals with Effects of an exceptionally high order for an exceptionally reasonable price.

    Kind Regards


    Examples of my use of EHX products can be heard on my web page @ http://www.myspace.com/slakstylez

    Mr Dreadful

    Got my Memory Boy yesterday… as the first delay I’ve ever owned this pedal is definitely going to be a learning experience.

    I love how it sounds, I don’t seem to get the volume issues and overly dark repeats that I’ve seen mentioned… not sure about the feedback control though, first time I touched it I was blasted by a terrifying shriek from the 4×12 that my head was in front of at the time so at the moment that’s saying below 12 o’clock! 🙄 Enjoying the modulation too, and like how with delay and feedback turned right down I effectively get a basic chrous/vibrato pedal. Need time to have a proper play with it, but definitely pleased with this purchase, though I suspect at some point I’ll scrimp and save to upgrade to a DMB or even DMM.
    Also found that with my phaser switched on I can make some awesome spacey sounds. Hell, I reckon I could do all the sound effects for a pre-Star Wars style scifi film with just my guitar! Little disappointed with how the delay seems to vanish when my LBM is on though, was kind of hoping for some dirty delay shenanigans. Maybe with the Sustain on a lower setting it’ll chime through a bit more.


    Hello everyone!

    Got my MB from Amsterdam musical shop recently. Brilliant thing right from the box, love analog sounding delays!
    But then some “problems” came.
    1. Delay time – works well for me but I wonder why repeats are so unclear when setting delay time to MAX?
    2. Depth knob – I can use it for “spicing” my sound but only when set to near-minimum position. If you go further it makes your sound out-of-tune and woobly. But. I’ve noticed that delay time and depth knob depend on each other and you can get very wide yet good sounding chorus and vibrato sounds with Delay at 13:00 and Depth on 15:00. Just try to set desired Delay first than play with Depth to find that “sweet point”.
    3. Don’t know how to use square mode. Sounds too weird and glitchy to me. Maybe with expression pedal it can be useful.
    4. At last – there’s definitely a volume boost between clean sound and sound when MB engaged – especially with Blend set to near-minimum. That is not good for live usage. When Blend is on 12:00 – bypassed signal has the same level. You can read about this issue on the numerous forums. And the workaround for me was – to open it and to make simple soldering. You have to connect two small pads from GAIN ADJ place for trim pot. Even for me it was quite easy.
    After that MB has started to work opposite way – there’s no volume boost on low Blend settings (thats what I want) but if you go further with Blend – volume goes LOWER. Anyway that’s OK for me now.
    One more strange thing – before that soldering MB started to self-oscillate at Feedback at 15:00 at least. Now – even on 13:00.


    I have just learned that I have to use my guitars volume knob more when using the Memory Boy, the sound is wonderful, but the volume jump is troublesome during performance. You just have to find the spot on the guitars volume pot where unity gain is.

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