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    Well modulation technically puts the repeats out of tune. Going slightly out of tune is what creates pretty chorusing effects.

    I was pretty disappointed with the CC when I found out that the modulation doesn’t get very crazy. I want to get very crazy sounds myself.


    I found delay time seems to be dependent on power voltage.

    Lower the voltage, longer the delay time and make stretched-tape-echo-like lo-fi sound. It will go far beyond 550ms and, at max, delay sound can stop. Higer the voltage, clearer the sound and shorter the delay time.

    According to my measurement, at least 9.5v is needed for “proper” work.
    So if you use standard power supply which has around 9v, it won’t work correctly.
    I can get 9.78v with included power supply even from 100v outlet in Japan but it’s inconvenient not to be able to use standard 9v power supply.
    It’s EH’s fault, I think. At least, “work with 9v power supply” isn’t true.

    I made regulator circuit with LM317 IC by my self and got 9.7v from 18v output of my Gator power supply with no problem, but EH should improve this kind of instability.

    I made regulator circuit with LM317 IC by my self and got 9.7v from 18v output of my Gator power supply with no problem,



    What expression pedals are people using with this ? I’m just about to buy a Memory Boy and wouldn’t mind some recommendatiions on expression pedals.


    Moog EP-2 (not most people’s choice, but I like em).


    The Moog Ep-2 is the best expression pedal on the market (my opinion.) Plus, Moog is like EHX, always making reliable, extraordinary products.


    do these expression pedals need power?
    or is it powered by the signal?

    never had an urge to buy one til now.
    i just ordered the memory boy and im pumped!

    i think the expression pedal is necessary to
    experience the memory boy at full power!


    expression pedals don’t need power.

    Muh Nods


    I’m pretty interested by this Memory Boy, and I would like to know if someone here tried this pedal with synth/keyboard (and/or other line-level gear) : is there excessive distorsion? I noticed this kind of troubles on some pedals with my synths…

    Some users in this forum also said that the sound of the MB is a bit “dark” : how dark is it? :) Dark as if there was a low pass filter? Will I hear some upper notes on a keyboard? (I have a Behringer Vintage Delay VD400, it’s like if the high frequencies were cut in a pretty violent way…)

    Thanks for your answers! :)


    Most analog delays are going to be dark but I find the MB to be darker. I’m about to put mine on ebay for probably 90 buy it now if you’re interested. It’s been used only about 3 hours and have only had it 2 weeks with box and everything that came with it.

    As for the power supply comment above…I thought my MB came with a power supply. And another comment about the modulation being too sensitive I have to agree my MM is like that as well but I never used the modulation I just love the delay on it. Is there anyway to put better or different Ic chips in the memory boy?

    Muh Nods

    Thanks for your answer dmc777!

    Maybe should I look for a tape echo, for a more brighter sound.

    Oh, and thanks for your proposition about ebay, but I think that if I am planning to get a Memory Boy, I will buy it in my local music store ;)

    Other answers? :)

    Thanks for your answer dmc777!

    Maybe should I look for a tape echo, for a more brighter sound.

    Oh, and thanks for your proposition about ebay, but I think that if I am planning to get a Memory Boy, I will buy it in my local music store ;)

    Other answers? :)

    Well I’d try it first. What I don’t like might sound great to you. If you have a music store close by I’d just go up there and try it out or buy it…if you don’t like it you could always send it back. If I were you and you have the money, get a classic or xo chassis deluxe. That’s THE best sounding delay I’ve ever heard. Not too dark and not too bright…they’re perfect. And this is coming from someone who currently has 7 delays at home and have owned more!

    Muh Nods

    Yes, maybe you’re right. It will be easier to simply try it with a synth, and see how it sounds… Just have to wait until my shop get one of these! :)


    While you’re there don’t forget to try the #1 Echo…


    this post has been a nice read…..I am going to guess…if you want typical deleys use a MM but want strange sounds use a MB….but, when I get my MB I will then be able to see if this is a right assesment…

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