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  • #99268
    The impression I got from the #1 echo:
    … had no features

    Julian, that is why I bought it. And it reminds me somewhat of a Maestro Echoplex.

    Stoner Wizard
    *cough*Kick the Carbon Copy’s ASS*cough*

    lol. even the #1 echo kicks the carbon copy’s ass and that was a pretty bad pedal…

    Too extremist and unfounded statement!. It’s so easy to say “This (fill in blanks) is s***” or “this one kicks the rest” without giving any reason.

    I don’t agree with this at all. MXR CC has pretty good sounds and as any good analog delay (for example, the EH DMM) it takes some time to explore its possiblities. I use it extensively and has a warm delay style. In my opinion, along with Deluxe Memory Man and Maxon AD-999 they’re my favorite triad of present analog delays.

    #1 Echo is a digital delay so it should be compared to other digital units.


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