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  • #78558

    i heard today about a pedal EHX have had on the cards for a while now called a Memory Boy, apparently a basic version of a Deluxe Memory Man (as the name implies). it was supposed to be just a three knob thing (i assume time, blend, feedback), all analogue and with that same delay of a memory man much smaller and cheaper

    do it already, that would be perfect.


    sorry.. i realise you all know about this.. woops


    yup the Memory Boy will be here soon….

    …as far as we all know it will have 4 knobs and 2 switches and will be the same size as a Big Muff/Tone Wicker.

    …apart from that we know as much as you!!

    look closely in this video…

    you might see something on the desk. ;)


    i’m hanging out for this.. the #1 echo was a bit of a disappointment.


    yeah, I can understand why you say that…. it’s ok for a basic digital delay but I don’t really think that type of pedal is what EHX do best. The Memory Boy has actually been quite a long time coming and it seems it’s been through several prototype stages too which would make me think that EHX are working hard to make this the absolute best it can possibly be….which makes a lot of sense because if it’s as good as we suspect it will be I can see it being one of EHX’s biggest sellers in the future.


    *cough*Kick the Carbon Copy’s ASS*cough*

    *cough*Kick the Carbon Copy’s ASS*cough*

    The CC does have one big advantage, though… It’s available. :(


    Oh god, thanks. We’ve just been waiting for you to come and tell EHX to make it. Now it’ll be released immediately. Now EHX will be sure to cave because someone posted this thread.

    From what I’ve seen, EHX releases products like Blizzard releases computer games. It’ll be out when it’s ready, and not a moment sooner.

    Oh god, thanks. We’ve just been waiting for you to come and tell EHX to make it. Now it’ll be released immediately. Now EHX will be sure to cave because someone posted this thread.


    i’m hanging out for this.. the #1 echo was a bit of a disappointment.

    Yes, well all I can say to this is that the EHX #1 Echo has not disappointed me in the least. On the contrary, the #1 Echo is a brilliant little machine and has performed really well for me both live and in the studio. It has joined my collection of Memory Man, Deluxe Memory Man, Stereo Memory Man with Hazarei and Korg SE 500 Stage Echo as a must. In fact I am waiting for EHX Germany to be graceful enough to fill my order here in Bremen so I can buy a second one!

    Oh god, thanks. We’ve just been waiting for you to come and tell EHX to make it. Now it’ll be released immediately. Now EHX will be sure to cave because someone posted this thread.

    well that was unnecessary

    Oh god, thanks. We’ve just been waiting for you to come and tell EHX to make it. Now it’ll be released immediately. Now EHX will be sure to cave because someone posted this thread.

    What is the point of this remark? Quite out of place to say the least!

    Of course we all want EHX to immediately release every non-fictional and fictional EHX pedal we can think of…..we are EHX fanatics (most of us, that is) and cannot imagine life without EHX.

    John J

    im a little perplexed by that comment myself, but at any rate: the memory boy was ‘announced’ around the same time as the riddle / enigma and the screaming bird / mole so hopefully – HOPEFULLY – it will be coming our way within the next few months here. i would imagine EHX will stagger the releases so we’re not flooded with 30 fancy new pedals all of a sudden.

    it’s the smart way to release stompboxes, especially considering the company has introduced about 20 new / reissue pedals plus at least 10 rehousings in the last year. i’m (arbitrarily) putting my money on a september release, although i wouldnt be surprised or even terribly disappointed if they waited until closer to christmas. only one way to find out, i suppose!


    I guess August.

    *cough*Kick the Carbon Copy’s ASS*cough*

    lol. even the #1 echo kicks the carbon copy’s ass and that was a pretty bad pedal…


    The impression I got from the #1 echo:

    -people who bought it just wanted a simple echo and therefor liked it
    -people who didn’t buy it were completely uninterested in it because it had no features

    I belong to the second group

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