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  • #88594
    To me yes, sounds like two clean boosts cause it is very clean like but its a little dirty at the same time.

    yeah, that makes sense…..I think it sounds cool for what it is (a transistor, a couple of resisistors a trim pot and a diode!!) there ain’t much in there!!

    Ned Flanders

    Post a gut shot (component side) and I might be able to tell you what it is if its based off anything that is.

    Post a gut shot (component side) and I might be able to tell you what it is if its based off anything that is.

    ok, gimme a mo and I’ll do that….

    …it’s gonna be a flash job though but I’ll do my best, if not I’ll do it in daylight in the morning.

    nah, it’s not gonna work….way to much flash…I’ll take one in the morning…

    I can draw a little picture!!

    Ned Flanders

    Ok , whenever you can.


    it looks like this….I don’t know what the thing is next to the clipping diode, but it’s actually in the same holes as the diode (that’s kinda clear looking) and the other ‘thing’ is dark grey with some silver/grey stripes around the end and some silver/grey numbers, it’s hard to see because it’s kind of underneath the diode.


    Ned Flanders

    Looks kinda like a modified bass fuzz, (ie;the boost section of the fuzz factory) that grey/black thing is likely a diode for circuit protection, so if you plug the wrong adapter in like positive center it wont fry it. Or it could just be for cliping like the other one, being where it is on the PCB I would bet on this.

    But its really hard to tell, theres lots you can do with one transistor a couple of caps and a few resistors.

    Looks kinda like a modified bass fuzz, (ie;the boost section of the fuzz factory) that grey/black thing is likely a diode for circuit protection, so if you plug the wrong adapter in like positive center it wont fry it. Or it could just be for cliping like the other one, being where it is on the PCB I would bet on this.

    But its really hard to tell, theres lots you can do with one transistor a couple of caps and a few resistors.

    it doesn’t have any adapter input so it must just another clipping diode, 2 different types together….for asymetrical clipping maybe? (yeah, I might sound like I know what I’m talking about, but I don’t really!!) :D

    Ned Flanders

    Yeah, using two different types can result in different clipping, one may be silicon the other germanium…



    Made me think of the Bazz Fuss as well. But it sounds a lot cleaner and without that boomy low end.

    I just found it weird it has resisistors, and not resistors… 🙄


    It’s so cool.:thumb: Have u sold it? How much does it cost?

    simulation rachat credit

    It’s so cool.:thumb: Have u sold it? How much does it cost?

    simulation rachat credit

    no I haven’t sold it, I will never sell it as mine was a gift to me… they were $30 originally, the last one on ebay went for over $100 though.

    Made me think of the Bazz Fuss as well. But it sounds a lot cleaner and without that boomy low end.

    I just found it weird it has resisistors, and not resistors… 🙄

    I can confirm now, that it is indeed based on the Bazz Fuzz. :)


    this is an interesting discussion.. thank you for sharing :)
    simulation rachat de credit

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