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  • #121456

    After eagerly awaiting the Mel9, it arrived yesterday. I am in need of advice. It sounds nothing like the demos online nor the descriptions of the sounds! For example; the cello sounds really like a poor simulation whereas the videos I’ve heard sound great. The flute, sax, and brass all sound like similar poor cello simulations, nothing like their titles. I’ve tried this through 2 different amps (Kemper Profiling/Roland), studio monitors, electric and acoustic guitars (PRS/Taylor), tried tweaking the knobs… nothing helps. I don’t get it.

    Any ideas would be greatly appreciated before I send it back for a refund.

    After eagerly awaiting the Mel9, it arrived yesterday. I am in need of advice. It sounds nothing like the demos online nor the descriptions of the sounds! For example; the cello sounds really like a poor simulation whereas the videos I’ve heard sound great. The flute, sax, and brass all sound like similar poor cello simulations, nothing like their titles. I’ve tried this through 2 different amps (Kemper Profiling/Roland), studio monitors, electric and acoustic guitars (PRS/Taylor), tried tweaking the knobs… nothing helps. I don’t get it.

    Any ideas would be greatly appreciated before I send it back for a refund.

    I wrote you through youtube yesterday and sent you a bunch of demos on youtube showing how it sounds through other peoples systems.
    It sounds just like the demo.
    Maybe the unit is not right for you in which case you should return it.
    I also sent you a link to write me direct. Did you get the message?


    Thank you for responding.

    No I didn’t receive it, and I just looked – there’s still no YouTube reply.

    I understand that if it’s not “for me” I should return it. That’s the easy part. I am wondering why it wouldn’t sound just the same for me when everything else does and always has – with lots of effects, guitars, amps… ya da ya da.

    All of (is this you personally, Bill Ruppert?) Bill’s Kemper profiles for example are just fantastic and just like the videos. The Wah Formant is just crazy good!. And the “Baritone Guitar” is closer sounding to an actual cello (with volume knob swelling though) than is the Mel9 that I received, which is in stark contrast to the vids I’ve already seen online.

    I just don’t get it…


    Let me send you another message tonight or better yet reach me on the Kemper forum in private message. we can then exchange emails.
    Sorry for your problem.

    I will be out for a little bit tonight.


    Anyone try the Mel9 with harmonica yet? What are your impressions?


    I’ve used the Mel9 on two full electric gigs so far. The first one I ran through the PA but couldn’t hear it good because we only monitor vocals. At the second one I ran into my Carvin Micro Bass head with compressor, and into an elevated 10″ 2 way PA speaker. This worked much better.

    The orchestra, cello, strings, and low choir are the meat and potatoes for me. I also used the flute setting on an impromptu version of “Can’t You See” since I didn’t bring my flute. The clarinet and brass don’t have much use for me at the moment.

    I will use it Saturday night at an acoustic duo gig. I’m loving it! It needs a vibrato control.


    Acoustic gig update: I used the Mel9 in the effects loop of my Red Eye preamp along with a reverb. The signal goes out to the main board and to my stage monitor amp, an Ultrasound AG30. I know the instruction sheet says an effects loop is not the way to go but I had no trouble using my Taylor Grand Concert with K&K pickup. I mainly mixed the acoustic signal with strings fading in. What a great sound!

    Holy moly, [em]Spirits in the Material World[/em] sounds wonderful with the Mel9.



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