Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Mel9 – Volume issue

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    Just recieved my Mel9. Running into the distorted channel on my amp to get cool spacey distorted string sounds via the orchestra patch. Tone is very enjoyable. However, I noticed there is a noticeable volume drop when the pedal is engaged versus when the pedal is off. Running the pedal with the dry knob all the way down because it sounds best that way for what I am going for.

    Is there a way to adjust that via pot or jumper in the pedal? If not, what would you recommend? Boost pedal before or after Mel9? Compressor pedal before or after Mel9? Thanks.



    Well it should be about the same with the effect knob up.
    If you need more gain a boost or compressor after the mel9 should work fine.


    I have this same problem with my mel9 unit.

    I want effect only, so dry=0, effect volume=max.
    Unit in bypass gives clean guitar signal very loud. Unit engaged gives the effect sound at around 50-60% of the bypassed volume.
    I should not have to add a boost pedal after the unit just to get the effect level to unity. That would be a deal breaker for my signal chain.

    Is there an internal trim pot that can increase the effect level to get equal volume between effect on and bypassed signal from the ‘effect’ output jack?

    Dave F


    Please write the techs at info@ehx.com

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