Home Forums Help/Technical Questions MEL9 Problem with isolated power supplies

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  • #122381

    Not sure but I bet it will not if powering other pedals.I doubt each out is isolated
    In which case you need to use the EHX supply or get an Diago Noise Isolator Adaptor Cable or have noise.

    Not sure but I bet it will not if powering other pedals.I doubt each out is isolated
    In which case you need to use the EHX supply or get an Diago Noise Isolator Adaptor Cable or have noise.

    Thanks. I think the original poster said that he/she was using isolated power supplies. The problem discussed here is with the powering of the MEL9 unit, not with noise. Are you now saying that the diago Isolator Adaptor may also solve the powering problem? Thanks again!

    Iron Mang

    I found it most commercially made so-called “isolated” power sources aren’t actually isolated. In order to be a truly isolated power source, each individual output must have its own AC supply, step down transformer, rectification, filtering, regulation, safety circuit and the really well-built ones may have an actual isolation transformer. A truly isolated DC power source are quite bulky, not to mention expensive.


    I am using the EHX power supply that came with my mel9 and my signal is fine when the pedal is off but when I turn it on it acts as a kill switch and the signal goes to nothing… The LED comes on but everything just goes silent.


    If you are using the EHX supply and have no signal when switched on there is a problem with the pedal and it should be serviced.
    I am sorry.
    This is a holiday and the service guys will be back in on Tuesday. Please contact them at:


    9-5 M-F NYC time



    I bought a C9 and noticed a slight hum in my pedal board. I isolated it down to the power supply – the C9 does not do well with the 9VDC 200mA supply. It is fine with the OEM 9.6VDC separate supply though. *sigh* I have to now figure out a way to route that huge wall wart in my pedal board…..

    Love the pedal – hate the hassle of the the power supply.

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