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    Hi, I’m new to the forum, excited to be getting a POG soon. I hate to admit, I stayed up all night looking at EHX videos, reading the forums, planning my next pedals… While watching a video on the POG, I was struck by the sweeping sound of the LP filter as it was adjusted for an organ sound. I noticed that the HOG has an expression pedal option for sweeping ranges, but unfortunately not the POG. I’ve seen a mechanical control for rotary knobs on pedals, but never for sliders, and it made me think it could be useful. I’m not anywhere near mechanically inclined (oil changes are about as far as I go with my car!) to figure out the solution to this, but someone out there is! What do you think? I’m of course just riffing, and being sleep deprived, might not have the soundest judgment. The ‘pedal’ would surely take up more space than it’s worth, and I should just buy a HOG and be done with it, but the problem is still an interesting one to me. This verbal diarrhea is officially over.

    The EH Man

    I think that would be a bulky and cumbersome piece of equipment.

    It wouldn’t be hard to add an expression pedal jack for any of the sliders.


    I have often wished that the EHX sliders move incrementally so that a slider can be snugged into a “notch” and be roughly at the setting desired. Is this a possible mod? I’m thinking of the vintage Deluxe pedals such as Graphic Fuzz et al. Ron, maybe you have an idea or two?

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