Home Forums The Lounge Maestro ring modulator

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    this is nice but really rare and expensive. my question is……
    is it worth the money and were can i find some demos?
    youtube maybe?
    i gotta hear it and see it in action before i even think about purchasing.
    the bloody thing is almost a thousand bucks American.
    lol i live in canada eh! are dollar isnt that good lol!!!!


    This is EHX forums, so if you’ll ask something that hasn’t got anything to do about it, post it on the lounge. Besides, what has that to do with the feedback subforum?


    No need to get grumpy Sanquiflerb!!!

    Though he is right, it does belong in the Lounge. Ideas/Suggestions/Feedback is more where people post suggestions for EHX.

    I think when you’re spending that much on a vintage pedal, you’re paying for a whole lot more than the sound at that point. A large portion of the price is collector’s value. Which you may or may not want to pay for. There are a couple vintage pedals that I’d buy partly/mainly just to own them, not for the sound which could be reproduced in some other way.

    Generalguitargadgets has a DIY maestro ring mod project that if you feel up to you might want to try. It’d be a lot cheaper than buying a vintage one.

    And I’m sure there are some modern production ring mods that sound pretty similar. They all do the same thing. . . just different tonal quialities.


    just curious. . . what are you looking for in a ring mod?

    I know decently well what’s available on the market for a lot less.


    sorry dont mean to be a grumpy squalib or whatever you said dude. but i had to get your
    attention some how now that i got your attention, im glad you do. :)

    anyways thanks for the response i was just really bored lastnight not to many people were talking
    to me so i had to pipe up.
    i am and always will be an EHX fan no matter wat but i will definitely look closely at those maestro
    ring mod kits thanks alot mad viking friend!
    yours truly


    what im looking for

    im definitely looking for weird and crazy feedback loops as well as robotic sounding pitch shifting
    sounds out of these ring mods.

    I’m also looking creating weird farting sounds as well as burps squeals and talking guitar harmonica stuff.

    ive been playing guitar for at least 12 years. i can solo but im not a neo classical dude
    ive seen you guys in action and you guys are like heroes to me. ever since ive found this site on the internet ive been totally hooked and would truly be honored to jam with some of you guys!
    take care


    The grumpy thing was more directed at sanquiflerb! But it was said in a nice happy tone and not in a mean tone, so I hope Sanquiflerb doesn’t think I’m mad at him!

    I’m not sure what to recommend to you.

    I have a big box frequency analyzer that I’ve modified that I really love. The Frequency Analyzer unmodified is a very good sound ring mod but it isn’t as versatile as other ones. You can’t plug in another sound source to be your carrier instead of the internal oscillator, there’s no onboard LFO, and there’s no expression pedal control (though the knobs are so big you can control them with your feet!)

    I’ve heard wonderful things about the Moog.

    The new Ring Thing looks very versatile, and the auto-tuning would be incredibly useful live I think.

    And that GGG Maestro DIY build looks very interesting as well.

    There’s also the CopilotFX ring mod, which is very compact compared to other ring modulators.


    hmmm….. try the flanger hoax, and for odd blips farts ect, maybe try the old EHX drum units, like the space drum, crash pad, super space drum…ect….then add sum modulation and fuzz to them.


    More than grumpyness, it’s having a terrible day. I apologise to all of you.


    :metal: Dear Sanquiflerb your a good guy dont worry my friend i have bad days alot to.
    so im gonna play a song for you tomorrow night on my show from the strange daze compilation
    the song is called “Green Acid”
    and its going out to you pal! :)
    you can listen online at <http://cfmu.mcmaster.ca> live streaming radio!
    hope you can listen in my show is: This Aint No Disco and id love to have everyone at ehx to listen in!
    you guyz are my heroes! [img][/img]


    What time would you play it? because if its live, since I’m on -3 time zone, well, you know.


    dear sanquiflerb its on at 11pm eastern standard time till 12 am
    hope you like it. now i have to find the cd lol


    So it will be up in like 15 minutes, which would be 1 AM here. I’ll give it a hear.

    So it will be up in like 15 minutes, which would be 1 AM here. I’ll give it a hear.

    no its on at 11pm canadian time im in the west end of my city. your on three timezones thats insane you will never hear my show go on cfmu.mcmaster.ca to listen in you can download the show anytime of day or night its all in mp3 friend


    There is any link out there to download?

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