Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Lpb-1 pedal

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  • #84244

    Few questions:

    1) what is the actual gain/boost in dB? +12? +20?(common) +27-30dB? — no where to be found in literature, pdf instructions, no info online….

    2) can they be piggy-backed, i.e. front and end of pedal(s) in chain (buffer at front / boost at end – like bookends) OR even boost into a boost?? –> +24-+60dB?

    3) are they really made in America? NYC? (dumb question, but a lot of products are “designed” here and sent to another world market (where labor is cheap, mass-produced, patent stolen, etc) and re-sold in America under a different name etc, etc, — ultimately not American at all.

    4) not a question, have the mistress flanger — very pleased, great swoosh! little noisy especially when playing clean {can be covered with fuzz :) }

    Finally, thanks for making some great products. Had a Big muff ca. 1984 (sweet….til I ruined it)

    Great day to all, thanks for reply


    Its about 20dB boost.
    Yes you can stack them. Harvey Mandel a great guitar player used two and three of them in the 1970,s to push his amp!


    Thank you very much! Appreciate the responses.

    I like your products because they are innovative, lasted the test of time, and USA-made (of course, not every single part is US-made – that’s what spins the world on its economy).

    The forums provided by Electro-Harmonix are a great resource & service too.

    Thank you, again, for your excellent efforts!

    BTW: the B9 pedal sounds amazing!!! so cool. Just sold a Hammond M-100 tonewheeler (cherry).

    Guitars….sounding like vintage leslie-fied organs….HOW COOL IS THAT?!?!?! WOW!!!!!

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