Home Forums Help/Technical Questions LPB-1 Nano Output db ?

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    Can anyone tell me what the minimum and maximum db output for the LPB-1 Nano pedal is?
    Many thanks!


    strange. i just looked around and wasnt able to find it at all

    i think i remember somewhere that at max it adds 16db

    also strangely enough ive heard that when the knob is fully counterclockwise it comes out lower than unity gain.

    wish i had one so i could be sure

    strange. i just looked around and wasnt able to find it at all

    i think i remember somewhere that at max it adds 16db

    also strangely enough ive heard that when the knob is fully counterclockwise it comes out lower than unity gain.

    wish i had one so i could be sure

    Thanks. A friend found a schematic and figured it out. Looks like max is 28 db. !!!??
    That right? Anyone else? Also. is this pedal fairly quiet at lower settings? Anyone who owns one?


    This pedal is never off when I use it…which is at all my gigs where I run stomp-boxes. The most basic position to start off with is with the knob at nine o’clock. I like to put it between nine and twelve o’clock (adjusting with which ever group I’m playing with because some bands are loud, and happy-hour gigs need to be quiet.) Any setting from twelve o’clock and beyond, you get natural overdrive…even when plugging in straight to the board. When you put this before a distortion, and I always do, the intensity of the distortion just comes alive…don’t know quite how to explain it…just sounds ballsier. All in all, this is one of the best, AND cheapest, pedals I’ve ever purchased…AND…I’m planning on getting at least two more…you HAVE to get one to see for yourself.

    A few months ago, a few local musicians and myself got one…now everyone else in numerous bands are getting one…only after hearing, trying it and finding out how cheap it is…


    Thanks very much for your response. That’s encouraging. I want to use this to drive a bigger pedal that requires more output into it than my single coil Strat pickups put out. I’m hoping this will do the trick by increasing the db output significantly. I got another response from a guy who said the max db output for the LPB-1 Nano is 20db. Again, thanks!


    I use an LBP-1 in front of my Catalinebread Dirty Little Secret. I find 9 o’clock is around unity for me. Fully counterclockwise there is no output (muted!) and as mentioned before, above 12 o’clock and you get a nice overdrive. I think you won’t be disappointed if you purchase this pedal.. Everyone should have one!



    Add me to the LPB fan club. It’s a great pedal for punishing tube amps or dirt pedals.

    I know I’ve told this story before, but my guitarist, after trying mine, sold his boutique boost/OD pedal and used the proceeds to buy an LPB, and a new guitar.

    I want to use this to drive a bigger pedal that requires more output into it than my single coil Strat pickups put out. I’m hoping this will do the trick by increasing the db output significantly.

    This is true, my main guitar is a 60th Anniversary Fender American Deluxe, and the LPB does exactly what it’s supposed to do. If I engage the S-1 switching and roll off the volume of my guitar…such sweet tone. The other application I found was leveling betweeing my regular Fender tone with the LPB on, and my S-1 switching engaged with the LPB off. So I kinda use it to switch between the two tones provided on my guitar alone, instead of having to switch out my Strat for a Humbucker-equipped axe.


    souljah671, Yeah, that’s the ticket. I was hoping to hear from a Strat player with standard single coils claiming that the LPB-1 Nano made up the gain difference between single coils and Humbucker output. Thanks!


    No problem, homie…was hoping to get my friend’s own, but now he loves it so much he doesn’t want to sell it to me lol

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