Home Forums Help/Technical Questions LPB-1 help

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  • #78093

    Hi there,
    I’m looking to get a pedal to boost my volume for soloing and other lead sections and I’m seriously considering the LPB-1. I have a question first though, I play through a solid state amp so will this pedal work to just give me a bit of a volume boost or will the effect be lost because it’s not a tube amp?



    It will give you plenty of volume boost, with some overdrive grit, depending on level. My pushes up the volume on my solid state head.


    Aah brilliant, thanks very much :)


    I would also think that it could thicken up the signal in a very good way…I use one when I run into my computer to use some of the moddeling programs and the LBP works great for that.


    I play through a solid state amp also and my lpb-1 sounds beautiful through it.


    Here is a quick run down IMO of the LPB-1…

    First off you can put the lpb-1 pretty much anywhere in your chain but my two preferences are pre overdrive or at the end of the chain. If it is at the end of the chain it will be purely a volume boost. If it is pre distortion/overdrive it will drive up the gain more so than the volume. At either place the LPB-1 adds quite a bit of mids/bottom end to the boost. This is great for me but if you are more into to a trebly sound it may not be what you are looking for. I have two booster pedals, the LPB-1 and the Danelectro Transparent Overdrive. I love both of them and they both come in metal housings with true bypass and are similar prices. With the Dano you can tweak the boost a little more so than the LPB-1 by changing the mix between treble and bass to boost the frequency you want. I now use the LPB-1 in the end of my chain as a volume boost and the Dano TO as a boost before my overdrives. I used to use my LPB-1 around 12 oclock before the distortion and you will notice quickly by placing it at the end of the chain (I actually have it before my delay to give a uniform boost due to my delay splits the signal to two amps ) how much more it affects volume. The reason I made the move in the chain with my LPB is early on in the chain it presented a lot of unwanted noise but this may not be the case with you. Good luck!

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