Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Lpb-1 and Sonic Maximizer

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    Hey everybody I was wonder I have a Sonic Maximizer and an LPB-1 which would be better to have at the end of an effects chain. This is all for bass btw. Thanks



    I have an LPB-1 and the Sonic Maximizer. You could use it in either place. If it is before it will boost your volume going into the SM, if it is placed after it will boost the SM signal. I would suggest using it before because it adds mids and such and I usually want the SM to work on the final signal(I have the rack unit not the stomp box though). Try it out in either place and see what you like!!!


    same here i got both, but you really need to experiment and see where it sounds best for your sound and rig, as you can see below my LPB-1 is about half way into my chain and my Sonic Stomp is at the end. that’s what i found works for me.

    Hey everybody I was wonder I have a Sonic Maximizer and an LPB-1 which would be better to have at the end of an effects chain. This is all for bass btw. Thanks


    I would put the SM pedal at the end since that’s generally where it’s intended to go. On my pedalboard I have a SONIC STOMP, it’s the last of my individual pedals ( includes a BBE FREQ BOOST ) which then goes to my GNX4 where I usually have reverb but sometimes chorus/phaser/etc. Experimenting is always good though to see what works best for you.

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