Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Loud pop when I engage Muff

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    I need to know if this is a warranty issue, a known problem, or a just have to live with it thing. Any help you could provide would be great.

    When I engage my big muff I get a loud pop. Same with disengage. When on, it seems to sound great. I notice no unusual noises. It just seems like it shouldn’t do that.

    In case it makes a difference, I am using the original wall wart which is plugged into a pedal pad powered pedal board. it is in line with a ts9, mxr chorus, gigadelay, ibanez fl9, and a crybaby. Fender Strat on one end and a carvin legacy amp on the other. Pop occurs irregardless of other pedal activation and still happens when wall wart is plugged directly into wall.

    Thanks in advance.

    Ned Flanders

    Buy a 4.7Meg 1/4 watt resistor from radio shack or its equivalent and solder it from input jack tip to input jack ground.
    Should solve the problem.


    Thanks Liberty. Is this a defect or just a fault in the design? Do all of them do it out of the box or do I have a bad one?


    Ned Flanders

    It happens on a lot of true bypass pedals. Yours is perfectly OK.

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