Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Loud “pop” sound in my NEO Clone

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    Hello there.

    I bought a NEO Clone to use it with my basses. I love how it sounds, but it makes this very loud POP sound when I turn it on. Any thoughts about what could be going on here?

    I have the Clone with other 4 pedals in this order:
    Bass > Boss TU2 tuner > EHX Neo Clone > EHX BassBalls > Sansamp BDDI Programmable > Demeter Compulator > Amp.

    Al pedals are powered with a 1Spot.

    Thanx a lot.

    Hello there.

    I bought a NEO Clone to use it with my basses. I love how it sounds, but it makes this very loud POP sound when I turn it on. Any thoughts about what could be going on here?

    I have the Clone with other 4 pedals in this order:
    Bass > Boss TU2 tuner > EHX Neo Clone > EHX BassBalls > Sansamp BDDI Programmable > Demeter Compulator > Amp.

    Al pedals are powered with a 1Spot.

    Thanx a lot.

    It’s the true bypass switching that is causing the pop. There is not much you can really do to fix it.


    you could put it in a bypass loop [Boss LS-2/EHX Killswitch/DOD FX30B/etc] and that would fix it. otherwise, there’s not a ton you could do with the smd type stuff that is the Neo Clone.

    persons more pedal-knowledgable than myself
    that 1M resistor people recommend attaching from output to ground
    could you make that outboard? like on something that’d just plug into the output jack of the pedal?


    hmmm.. great idea Cryabetes!! im going to look into making sumthing soon, when i get the time!


    I have a small clone and it does the same thing.

    When you turn all your gear on, zero the amp’s volume and switch on-off several times your tru bypass pedals.

    I found that doing this helps a little bit because it discharges some capacitors… (I guess that’s what happens… I’m not very electronically inclined).

    Are you please able to this and tell us please if it DOES truly help or if it is just my imagination.

    Or maybe it’s just the voices in my head toying with me!


    I have a small clone and it does the same thing.

    When you turn all your gear on, zero the amp’s volume and switch on-off several times your tru bypass pedals.

    I found that doing this helps a little bit because it discharges some capacitors… (I guess that’s what happens… I’m not very electronically inclined).

    Are you please able to this and tell us please if it DOES truly help or if it is just my imagination.

    Or maybe it’s just the voices in my head toying with me!


    I noticed that helped a bit but it’s not good practice as you are going to wear down the foot switch.

    I have a small clone and it does the same thing.

    When you turn all your gear on, zero the amp’s volume and switch on-off several times your tru bypass pedals.

    I found that doing this helps a little bit because it discharges some capacitors… (I guess that’s what happens… I’m not very electronically inclined).

    Are you please able to this and tell us please if it DOES truly help or if it is just my imagination.

    Or maybe it’s just the voices in my head toying with me!


    I noticed that helped a bit but it’s not good practice as you are going to wear down the foot switch.

    Should be alright if you switch it 2 or 3 times before each session wouldn’t it? I mean… those switches are tougher than chuck norris!!!


    I had a similar problem with my Octave Multiplexer. I wound up changing it’s position in the chain, and I’m not getting a pop any more. Did you try changing the order maybe? It can change the sound a little too, so I guess take that into consideration.

    I had a similar problem with my Octave Multiplexer. I wound up changing it’s position in the chain, and I’m not getting a pop any more. Did you try changing the order maybe? It can change the sound a little too, so I guess take that into consideration.

    Random reply but I noticed your avatar. That was my first good guitar I got… 10 years ago. Cool guitar, I don’t see them much anymore.


    Haha. Yea, mine is a 98. I got it on ebay last year. I think the original owner must have bought it, and threw it under his bed or something. It was pretty much brand new. I like those Lesters the most. They’re not expensive, have real finishes on ’em, and aren’t as heavy (no maple cap). I have a black one as well.

    Sorry to go off track in the thread…


    Thanx for all the replies and sorry for coming back after all this time, guys. Glad to see that it is not an issue with my NEO, I love that little pedal.

    I´m not a DIY kinda person, and my electronic skills are not the best, so I´ll ask a tech I know about the mod Cryabetes suggested.



    The pop bothered me at first but after a bit of usage I realized I never want to play bass without my neo clone switched on, so the pop doesn’t matter as it will never be heard.


    Hi all,

    I had this issue and spent the guts of week trying various resistors on the input/output jack, it made no difference. After googling “neo clone 3pdt” or words to that effect (quite without hope I might add) I stumbled upon this post:


    The image shows a very simple soldered wire between lug 7 and the ground (?) on the switch circuit board. I did this mod and it got rid of the initial power on ‘POP’ noise! There is still a tolerable ‘click’ that my other EHX pedals also exhibit, but I expect that, and it is not a speaker or ear damaging thud unlike before.

    I urge anyone having this issue to give this a try and see if it fixes what to me seems a design flaw in the small clone & neo clone.


    Looks like an easy and simple solution. Thanx for sharing.

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