Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Loose stuff inside new EHX pedal?

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    Just bought a new Tube Zipper. Wonderful thing, just magnificent, but when I first got it out of the cardboard box last week I noticed that something was rattling around inside it. I very carefully opened the Zipper just enough so as to get a gap between the top cover and the bottom part and tipped it slightly and out came …

    … a small screw and a bolt!

    Groovy! What is weirder still is that apparently at least one other person has had the exact same experience, just with a Black Finger pedal. See here: http://reviews.harmony-central.com/reviews/Effects/product/Electro-Harmonix/Black++Finger+Sustainer/10/3
    (Look for review by “Fiddler49”)

    Maybe this is a feature — perhaps EHX wants us to have some spare parts — a little bit like the extra button they often sew into shirts — or …?

    Should I be worried? The thing seems to work fine.

    Anyone more had similar experiences?


    Too bad it wasn’t Memory Boy floating around in there.

    I wouldn’t worry. Atleast it is a nut and a bolt. Not just a nut that came loose or something. Understand?

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