Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Looper 95000 : undo with import audio file

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    In order to have more lenght for my drums ( en track lenght) , i’m importing ” custom” drum part .

    I do the following “process” :

    – I create a new folder : LOOP22
    – I do a Copy of TEMPO (.TXT) , i just change the value for tempo
    – i do a stereo drum part , lenght is 16 bar -> I name it TRACKM (wave)
    – i create 6 mono “blank” track , with TRACK1, TRACK2 , ect ..

    I connect my 95000 looper to my PC, and i copy the new folder in the 95000.

    When , i’m playing the LOOP22 , on the looper, it’s ok , my drum part of 16 bar is here.

    So i do a record with TRACK 1 -> all is ok , i have my Track1 guitar

    The issue is that i can’t do an Undo , or even Erase the Track , there is still , my recording.

    What is weird , it’s that for LOOP1 -> LOOP 20 , the undo function works fine ..

    EDIT : I use SONAR Platinium to export wave

    So there is something i’m missing …

    Thanks a lot for the help

    From France , hope my english is understandable.


    Oliver I believe that may be a bug they are working on fixing right now.
    A quick fix to remove the track is to record on that track with the punch button on.

    I am hoping the fix comes very soon.


    Thanks a lot for your Answer

    I’m just trying , the punch in Button , it’s help me a lot.

    Good luck for the EHX team for this bug ;)



    Hi there,
    the same problem with me!
    I hope ehx fix this bug soon.


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