Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Looper 45000: Headphone volume???

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  • #82885

    Hello from Germany,

    I’m a bit surprised about the behaviour of the volume potis of the headphone volume.
    I would expect the volume going from zero to full volume clockwise.
    But it starts very loud, even at zero. And if I turn the knob clockwise, the signal changes from mono to stereo??? Is there something wrong with the unit or is it meant this way and if so, WHY????



    Hi Dirk,

    that knob behaviour can’t be normal. And if it really was a feature it would be
    a) in the manual and
    b) still quite silly :-)

    I hope you bought it somewhere you can return it easily and get a properly working unit.
    Grüße von einem Ösi aus Vietnam,

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