Home Forums Vintage EHX Looking for orginal Graphic Fuzz enclosure

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  • #80909

    First post… cool to find this forum. I’ve been using EH stuff since the late
    70’s/early 80’s when I first started playing. I’ve had a bunch of stuff over the
    years but am down to my vintage Polyphase, Deluxe Octave Multiplexer, and Graphic
    Fuzz. The GF has a very interesting story behind it, which I’ll tell at another
    time, but not the reason for this post.

    So, well, while in college in the early 80’s, before EH stuff was considered
    ‘vintage’ at all, and while the company had gone under at that time, I decided
    I was going to rack mount my EH pedals. The GF was first, so I took the guts out
    of the box and cut the box away from the faceplate, so I could mount the faceplate
    on a rack panel. I never got around to doing this, so I later cut the faceplate
    out of a Radio Shack sloped project box and mounted the GF into it. The whole
    thing is still completely original, but I’d really like to return it to a proper
    enclosure. Anyone have a trashed GF they don’t need, or know if the old guts will
    fit into a re-issue box, or if EH will even sell me a box? Makes me sick to think
    about it now, but hey, at the time, you couldn’t give EH f/x away! I always loved
    the GF though, very cool pedal, and the Polyphase too… though noisy, it’s still
    the coolest phase shifter I’ve ever used.




    i would watch ebay for a while, they pop up once in a while, and sum times they go for cheap because there’s sum thing really wrong with it, like a bunch of the sliders are broken off


    i have an original box only for sale

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