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  • #77726

    Got a band that you play with? We can always toss recordings and tracks around, but videos are harder to come by. When it comes to truly experiencing a band, you can’t top having a visual element to go along with the audio. If you have live video footage of your band in action at a gig, post a link to it here for us to enjoy!

    Consider this an opportunity for exposure as well as an opportunity to share the noise we make with fellow music enthusiasts.

    My band, Letters to Ruin, just posted a series of videos on YouTube from our performance in San Francisco last October. We were filmed for MYX TV’s “Myxology”, a program featuring upcoming local bands in action on the stage.

    I really like the venue we played at. Broadway Studios’ lower level, Mabuhay Gardens (hopefully, I spelled that right) used to be a stomping ground for the local punk and metal scene in San Francisco.

    If you’re into thrash, progressive music, rock, metal, or anything edgy, feel free to tune in. Plus, some of the songs (“Thick”, “Mars Rising”, “Let It Go”) feature the use of the EHX Stereo Electric Mistress on bass. ;)



    Bump? C’mon, I know at lease SOME of you are in a band!

    You can’t all be bedroom musicians! :freak:


    But with videos to compete with you awesome folks? :p

    I’ve got some old videos with our old chick singer.

    Maybe you guys can see this link: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/video/video.php?v=12196882548&oid=15289222029


    Here’s a video of my band playing in our drummer’s cellar in Bous, Luxembourg last October.

    Bump? C’mon, I know at lease SOME of you are in a band!

    You can’t all be bedroom musicians! :freak:

    I’m the singer.




    That flanger on “Thick” sounds kickass.

    Dr. Matt

    I don’t have any videos.

    The only band i’m in at the moment is one which the college i go to created at the start of the academic year which seems to have lived on. We have had a short set recorded, though, as well as being filmed playing 1 song the next day in a small theatre as part of the college “showcase” (as a result, theres more singers, and some extra people on percussion as well). But i don’t yet have copies of either.

    I know there’s a video from the same theatre gig where basically we all switched over and performed with different people, lurking around on youtube, but it’s such a bad quality recording it’s not worth looking for. It’s a rendition of Mr Tambourine man with me on 12-string guitar/backing vocals..


    I have a Territorial Pissings cover in which I’m paranoid on not missing the A.


    and terrible sound quality….

    But with videos to compete with you awesome folks? :p

    I’ve got some old videos with our old chick singer.

    Maybe you guys can see this link: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/video/video.php?v=12196882548&oid=15289222029

    I hear a Small Stone, methinks?

    But with videos to compete with you awesome folks? :p

    I’ve got some old videos with our old chick singer.

    Maybe you guys can see this link: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/video/video.php?v=12196882548&oid=15289222029

    I hear a Small Stone, methinks?

    Yup, on that one I’m using a Small Stone, at that period I also had a Big Muff, #1 Echo, DEM, and Polychorus on my board, if I remember correctly. The #1 Echo and Polychorus may be on, just very subtle.


    Here we are! Frown Pow’r. I’m not visible in the vid until about 1:15, as I always take the left side of the stage, and no matter how many videos we have, the guy in the crowd with the camera always stands close to me and shoots right by me… 😥 Sorry the sound is so compressed. Camera right in front of a loud band, ya’ know… Anyway…


    We’re at http://www.myspace.com/frownpower if you’re interested in silly cukoo roots rock.


    myspace.com/benriceblues (bass, backing vocals)
    myspace.com/joestrattonscrap (bass, backing vocals, guitar)
    myspace.com/cottagers (bass, vocals, guitar)
    myspace.com/peoplewithaccents (guitar, other stuff)

    These are a few bands I was/am in.

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