Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Little Big Muff 3034

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  • #82328

    Hi- this is my first post, so apologies that it is a help plea!

    I have an old Little Big Muff with a 3034 board in it which doesn’t work anymore. I lent it to a friend about 20 years ago and it came back in pieces (!). Despite returning to it numerous times over the years, I just can’t get it to work. I was wondering (hoping) if someone could post a picture of a working board and the connections to the I/O sockets, switches etc.
    I think that once I’ve established whether I have re-wired it correctly, I might be able to establish whether any components are dead. Unfortunately I’m no good at reading schematic diagrams, so would need an actual drawing or photo. Can anybody help?

    The EH Man

    I have checked at various times, but don’t see what I’m looking for. I’m afraid I’m too much of a dunce to convert what I see in Big Muff boards to what is in front of me on the Little Big Muff!

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