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    interesting! so the dl4 is pretty fragile then?

    i just tried to find the exact difference between the micro and the mini qtrons. i dont really think there is one. they both have the same controls on em. i didnt find anything saying otherwise.

    the pog2 however has presets and another sub octave.

    im not sure if you asked for that info but i decided to give it anyway

    interesting! so the dl4 is pretty fragile then?

    not super fragile, but one with unmodded switches is asking for trouble. I expect there’ll be more of them on the market within the next few years due to the m9/m13 only being $100 more and having far more functionality.

    interesting! so the dl4 is pretty fragile then?

    i just tried to find the exact difference between the micro and the mini qtrons. i dont really think there is one. they both have the same controls on em. i didnt find anything saying otherwise.

    the pog2 however has presets and another sub octave.

    im not sure if you asked for that info but i decided to give it anyway

    Yes, I was. And good to know! Now I have to compare prices. If anything I’d go with the Qtron first.



    I have also an Yamaha CP 70B and is ofcourse a Keane fan..If you are after recreating sounds from UTIS like
    Is it any wonder etc., buy a Line 6 Pod xt/Pod xt pro. Much easier way to go, all in a single box. They use this live.


    I have also an Yamaha CP 70B and is ofcourse a Keane fan..If you are after recreating sounds from UTIS like
    Is it any wonder etc., buy a Line 6 Pod xt/Pod xt pro. Much easier way to go, all in a single box. They use this live.

    Yeah, I probably should. I have effects on my mixer and it’s passable. Can’t combine them. But, it’s still fun to know where the sounds originated from / fiddle with pedals.


    Yes, you are right about that, but with the pod you can combine the effects, you also have the option to choose from different amp simulation models based on the most known vintage amps..
    Also, you can combine different amps with cab/AIR models. As for Keane, I know they use Fender “The Twin” amp for the piano live, which also is modeled in the pod.



    Thanks for the info! I was wondering about the effects. You’re really tempting me!

    Sorry, but I’m really ignorant about such things… How does the midi work with it? Would I need midi installed in the piano?

    I’ve been eying that amp as well… I’m currently using studio monitors.


    Yes, the Yamaha CP 70B doesnt have midi, and you dont need midi to get use of the effects and amps inside the pod. The Pod xt has midi in and out though. You just route one channel output from the
    piano into the input of the pod. I am not sure about the pod xt PRO, but on the xt studio versions there is to unbalanced outputs. You also have the options to connect pedals.
    It has to be said though that I think for the pod to function properly, you may need proper amplifiers. Because I have used it most with my digital piano, connected with studio monitors and all the effects comes out nicely, but when I connect it to the CP70 with studiomonitors only, the
    pod doesnt function properly, but I think this has to do with the studiomonitors.. or it is maybe that the ouput gain on the CP 70 is different from a digital piano. I am not sure, I am not an
    expert:) I am going to buy proper amplifiers for my CP 70 anyway.
    Hope this helps:)

    interesting! so the dl4 is pretty fragile then?

    i just tried to find the exact difference between the micro and the mini qtrons. i dont really think there is one. they both have the same controls on em. i didnt find anything saying otherwise.

    the pog2 however has presets and another sub octave.

    im not sure if you asked for that info but i decided to give it anyway

    Yes, I was. And good to know! Now I have to compare prices. If anything I’d go with the Qtron first.

    nah dude, straight up honestly bro, ide get the pog2! ive played it before and it was pretty fun. qtron seems neat and all but i find the pog more useful to me. it might not be the same case with you however.

    Yes, the Yamaha CP 70B doesnt have midi, and you dont need midi to get use of the effects and amps inside the pod. The Pod xt has midi in and out though. You just route one channel output from the
    piano into the input of the pod. I am not sure about the pod xt PRO, but on the xt studio versions there is to unbalanced outputs. You also have the options to connect pedals.
    It has to be said though that I think for the pod to function properly, you may need proper amplifiers. Because I have used it most with my digital piano, connected with studio monitors and all the effects comes out nicely, but when I connect it to the CP70 with studiomonitors only, the
    pod doesnt function properly, but I think this has to do with the studiomonitors.. or it is maybe that the ouput gain on the CP 70 is different from a digital piano. I am not sure, I am not an
    expert:) I am going to buy proper amplifiers for my CP 70 anyway.
    Hope this helps:)

    Lol. This thread is going so off topic! Wish there was a board dedicated to CP70s out there!

    Once again, kinda ignorant… But with that midi connection, would I be able to turn it into a rhodes sound or organ. It’s my understanding midi records the keystrokes, so… Would the midi need to be installed into the piano itself?

    Hm… Maybe that’s why I had issues with my distortion pedal. It worked fine with a guitar amp, but straight into the monitors… Someone (here or elsewhere) suggested the signal significantly drops through the pedal and suggested getting a tube amp. But I added a mixer and it seems to work fine now. So maybe putting the pod through the mixer would be fine?

    Oh and I remembered reading as far as on stage, the Fender Twin Reverb is for show and the piano tuner… I guess after the piano and all the equipment it goes straight to the mixing board / PA of the venue. But with recording I think they definitely mic the amp.

    nah dude, straight up honestly bro, ide get the pog2! ive played it before and it was pretty fun. qtron seems neat and all but i find the pog more useful to me. it might not be the same case with you however.

    The POG is like chorus, right? At this point I’m content with the chorus effect I get from my mixer. If I don’t get the POD XT and go for individual pedals I’ll definitely get it though. So many things to buy! So little money!


    the POG is a polyphonic octave generator. It’s a pitch shifter with low-pass filter and detune.


    Oh and I remembered reading as far as on stage, the Fender Twin Reverb is for show and the piano tuner… I guess after the piano and all the equipment it goes straight to the mixing board / PA of the venue. But with recording I think they definitely mic the amp.[/quote]

    No, the CP 70 live sound is a mix of the amped sound from the Fender Twin and the DI sound from the mixing desk. The CP 70B has to output channels. Each channel has one balanced and one unbalanced output. As far as I know, one unbalanced output channel (like a guitar) is routed through the pod and straight into the Twin amp. The balanced output is routed to the mixing desk. I bieleve you have read from this article: http://www.sninety.com/news/keane_int.php, where Tim said:

    “But I want to set up a new system where I can run the CP70 through a bunch of pedals and into the
    twin, just as you would a guitar.”

    This is exactly what he does now.


    Wow! Thanks so much!

    That’s so interesting!


    the pog isnt chorus. its more of an multi-octave emulator. you can make your guitar like a bass or hop your solo up a couple octaves like rage against the machine (correct me if im wrong). adding a bunch of those octaves together gives you a strange organ like tone though. however, the “detune” function does somewhat of a chorus-y modulation. you get a nice organish warble.

    strange now that i think of it. . .i tried one out at my beloved guitar center but i dont remember messing with the detune surprisingly. . .bummer

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