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    New here…

    I recently acquired a Yamaha CP70B and am looking to get effects pedals or at least a distortion one. Not knowing what to get… Can someone help me identify the ones in these pics / vid?


    I’m guessing the one in the middle is the Polychorus. But can’t really tell the ones on the sides.


    Here’s the Pulsar. Once again, don’t know what the one to the side is. (Same as the one in the pic above?)

    Other pics, different views, same pedals???



    Ideally I’d like the one he’s touching in the pic above / creating the effect in the video at 2:26. Can the same pedal achieve the effect in this vid @2:58?


    polychorus, pulsar

    that weird red thing isn’t an EHX box. could be a mu-tron pedal?

    edit – red thing’s a mu-tron phasor II



    edit 2 – i like the echoplex creeping in on that last pic

    The EH Man

    I think the 1st one is a Double Muff. Looks like 2 knobs arranged vertically.


    My wife introduced me to Keane, and now they’re one of my favorite bands of the last 10 years. Until now, I had no idea what gear Tim Rice-Oxley used. Thanks for sharing. So now the trick of figuring out which pedals were used on which songs. I’m guessing that the PolyChorus was used quite a bit. It sounds so luscious on keyboard.

    Edit: So the Pulsar was used on “Put It Behind You”. I just watched the video.


    I don’t play the keys very often, and when I do, I usually play through software.

    But if I were to pickup an electric piano or analog synth, I would probably try these effects on it first:

    Reissue Black Finger
    The Wiggler
    Stereo PolyChorus
    PolyPhase (vintage)
    Deluxe Memory Man
    Stereo Memory Man with Hazarai
    Q-Tron +

    I think the 1st one is a Double Muff. Looks like 2 knobs arranged vertically.

    That was the first one I was thinking of getting. Thanks.

    My wife introduced me to Keane, and now they’re one of my favorite bands of the last 10 years. Until now, I had no idea what gear Tim Rice-Oxley used. Thanks for sharing. So now the trick of figuring out which pedals were used on which songs. I’m guessing that the PolyChorus was used quite a bit. It sounds so luscious on keyboard.

    Edit: So the Pulsar was used on “Put It Behind You”. I just watched the video.

    That’s what I thought… But doesn’t that create tremolo? And the CP70 has that built in?

    ETA: I think he uses both the Pulsar and the Double Muff. He seems to fiddle with the first, then switches on the other before really playing the riff. /ETA:

    I know live he uses several Line 6 POD XT Pros. But he obviously experiments with other pedals. What I really want to know is what they use in “A Bad Dream”. Trying my hardest to learn it. Oh and I read Tom uses the P.O.G. with :: gasp :: a guitar, for Spiralling.

    But doesn’t that create tremolo?

    … What I really want to know is what they use in “A Bad Dream”. Trying my hardest to learn it. Oh and I read Tom uses the P.O.G. with :: gasp :: a guitar, for Spiralling.

    Yes, the Pulsar is a tremelo pedal, but a very versatile tremelo that allows you to shape the waveform.

    “A Bad Dream” is one of my favorite songs by Keane. I’m not hearing anything radical on the piano, maybe some reverb and chorus. It’s tough to tell in the mix.

    I didn’t know that Tom was using a POG on “Spiralling”. Great info. Thanks again for sharing. :thumb:

    polychorus, pulsar
    that weird red thing isn’t an EHX box. could be a mu-tron pedal?
    edit – red thing’s a mu-tron phasor II

    Could be wrong, but doesn’t it look more like the phasor, and not the phasor II?
    Both great phasers though.

    phasor: musitronics_phasor_002.jpg
    phasorII: musitronics_phasor2_002.jpg

    EDIT: No, you were right first time — didn’t see the three knobs in the later pics — phasor II it is.


    I think we have another Keane EHX sighting here:



    Big Muff with Tone Wicker?

    I think we have another Keane EHX sighting here:


    Big Muff with Tone Wicker?

    Oh… Gives me more reason to watch Keane videos. Don’t play the bass, so I don’t know how interested I’d be in acquiring those pedal, but… Not surprised, since TRO is a bassist as well.


    No, that’s an LBM. The BMTW doesn’t have the little rounded divot


    If anyone still cares… I discovered Tim Rice-Oxley uses a Mini QTron in Is It Any Wonder. Can anyone ID the other stuff in this vid? I don’t think it’s entirely EHX. And the mu-tron phasor creeps in again!


    Vid: http://youtu.be/NPeJKYrRYaU?t=4m3s


    theres a miniqtron, pog and a line6 dl4 (i had to do some researching to find that one)



    Wow! Good eye! Thanks so much!

    What exactly does the Line6 dl4 do?

    And how do these compare to the current ones being sold? Better, worse, the same?

    Just TRO’s box of goodies!



    The DL-4 is a delay modeller and 14 second looper. kind of the Line 6 version of the Stereo Memory Man with Hazarai. They’re nice enough pedals, but the stomp switches on it aren’t actual switches- the actual switches are the little dot things like in Boss pedals and the stomps are an actuator that goes down and presses them, except they’re prone to just punch into the circuit board and break the circuit board. There’s also some interesting mods to them.

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