Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Knockout vs BBE Stomp Box

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    What is the difference between the Knockout Pedal and BBE Stompbox. I play bass and am looking for the best way to make my sound distinct live.


    Well the Knockout is an EQ and the BBE Sonic Stomp (if that’s what you’re talking about) is a Sonic Maximizer. I’m not sure if the Knockout is exactly what you want to make your bass stand out, but I wouldn’t recommend the Sonic Maximizer. I personally don’t like them at all.

    Personally a boost or an overdrive can make all the difference in the world over your bass sound. The Steel Leather looks interesting, though I’ve never tried it because I’m mainly a guitar player.

    McHaven’s the expert on bass effects, and he’ll probably be here in awhile


    I have both and there is a simularness sound (as a guitar player with some engineering chops)…I do believe that the sonic max. is a bit “harsher” and the KO has more flexibility…I just got my KO so, I have not come up with my “official” opinion yet…


    I appreciate your input. I have both and just got the Knock Out last week. I was able to dial in a pretty cool tone last night through my rig. I will have to tweak the settings a bit.


    cool…tell us your likes and dislikes after you have had the pedal for a while.

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