Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Key9 is very upset…

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  • #84470

    Hello friends,

    About a week ago, I played a gig and used my Key9 the way I always have, same cord (the one issued with it), same setup, same everything, and it worked totally fine. However, two days ago back in my own home I tried to play with it, in the exact same setup, and it didn’t want to work. The pedal won’t turn on, and no sound can come through it, even if I use the dry output.

    What to do?? I love this pedal, and besides that, it was also a solid 220$. Any idea what’s wrong with it? Anything I can do to fix it? Send it in? I’ll do anything!

    Thank you,


    OH NO!
    That does not sound good.
    if you are using the ac adapter that came with the pedal please check cables.
    If still no sound it must be fixed.
    PLEASE contact service on Tuesday as its a holiday here in the US.
    Again I am so sorry for your trouble.
    It WILL be fixed.


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