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    Is it normal for the volume to decrease so drastically when moving the blend knob away from 0%? I’d say after about 5% its less than half of the original volume, even the fully wet signal isn’t nearly as loud as the dry signal.

    Is it normal for the volume to decrease so drastically when moving the blend knob away from 0%? I’d say after about 5% its less than half of the original volume, even the fully wet signal isn’t nearly as loud as the dry signal.

    I’m not sure what you mean by “away from 0%”

    Are you referring to 12 o’clock as 0%?

    And when you say “even the fully wet signal isn’t as loud as the dry,” are you saying that when the blend knob is fully clockwise – fully wet – you STILL hear the dry signal louder?

    lol I want to help you but your post is very ambiguous :)


    I just realized how horribly I typed this… The title is supposed to say memory BOY.
    Basically if I put the the blend knob completely counter clockwise I hear everything at full volume and only hear the dry signal(as I should), once I begin to mix in the wet signal there is a noticeable volume decrease, I’d say once its at 12 O’Clock it is half as loud as it was when fully dry, and there is even a noticeable difference in volume when it is fully clockwise, just trying to find out if this is normal, because it doesn’t sound like it to me.


    This is a common annoyance – The memory Toy does this too. That’s one of the nice things about his big brother (father?) The deluxe memory man; you can actually control the output gain.

    Basically, when the blend knob is at 12 o’clock, it should be unity (same volume level as when disengaged) if you blend more dry, the dry signal will get louder as the the delays get quieter. If you blend the other way, just the opposite. Either way, by the time you’re fully wet OR fully dry, you’re louder than unity. It’s pretty annoying that there really is no unity level for a good mix, IMO, but I guess that’s the price you pay for a smaller, less feature, fewer knob pedal. But by God if it isn’t one of the best sounding delays otherwise… Well, at least I thought so until I just got my stinking mitts on a vintage DMM about 30 minutes ago :)


    If it’s not something you can live with, take it back; get the DMM if you can so you have the “level” knob. Is a little volume unruliness worth the extra $200? That’s your call lol. OH – plus the DMM doesn’t have as long of a delay (at least my vintage one doesn’t).

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