Home Forums Help/Technical Questions just ordered a 2880

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  • #90641
    Hello, I´ve just got one too. My knobs seem ok, not loose or anything. My question is another: I´d like to use one loop as rythm, and build it real fast, so I can play the rest of the tune with that rythm. But it seems that the rest of the tracks all remain with the same length of the first one I record. Isn´t it possible to record longer tracks than the first recording, without it going overdubbing once the length of the first recording reaches the end?



    I’m not really sure about that on the 2880. I don’t have any experience with it. Couldn’t you just make your first rhythm as long as you need it for the loops going over it? Say you need a 4-bar rhythm, with an 8 bar overdub. Why not just play the 4bar rhythm twice when recording it in? Then you have all the time you need for the overdubs


    Hmm… I can´t work out how to do that. The manual doesn´t say anything about it. I´ll explore a bit more! Thanks


    Sorry, I hadn´t understood what you said. Well, I could do that, but when recording an entire tune, then I´d have to do all the rythms in the real length of the whole tune before starting playng and singing, is that it? I´m trying to find a way to simplify that, by looping one track without looping the others, but I cant´find how to do it…

    spencer vex
    Hello, I´ve just got one too. My knobs seem ok, not loose or anything. My question is another: I´d like to use one loop as rythm, and build it real fast, so I can play the rest of the tune with that rythm. But it seems that the rest of the tracks all remain with the same length of the first one I record. Isn´t it possible to record longer tracks than the first recording, without it going overdubbing once the length of the first recording reaches the end?



    I’m not really sure about that on the 2880. I don’t have any experience with it. Couldn’t you just make your first rhythm as long as you need it for the loops going over it? Say you need a 4-bar rhythm, with an 8 bar overdub. Why not just play the 4bar rhythm twice when recording it in? Then you have all the time you need for the overdubs

    Salbador, im using the 2880 similar to the way you are. and McHaven nailed it… or at least that is how ive been doing it. instead of starting the new loop with just a couple of bars, im trying to record as many bars as the longest loop you will need for that song. make sense?

    or you could put another looper after the 2880, but that may be a bit much.

    hopefully EH or whoever will continue to push the looper boundaries and eventually have a looper that can be programmed to act accordingly.

    have any of you slaved your 2880 to another device?

    spencer vex
    Sorry, I hadn´t understood what you said. Well, I could do that, but when recording an entire tune, then I´d have to do all the rythms in the real length of the whole tune before starting playng and singing, is that it? I´m trying to find a way to simplify that, by looping one track without looping the others, but I cant´find how to do it…

    unfortunately the length of your entire “loop” or “tune” is dictated by how long the first recorded loop or dub is

    i dont believe there is any way around that

    if so id love to know!


    Ok, thanks for your help, I realize I was trying to do something the 2880 doesn´t do :) I´ll do it like you said.

    I haven´t slaved it to anything yet!

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